Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2003-10-20-Speech-1-074"

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"Mr President, the Commission’s proposal for a directive concerning the quality of bathing water will be an improvement on the current situation, as has been said here, but there are still problems attached to it. The question remains as to how we take account of the fact that bathing waters and bathing facilities vary from one European region to another. In the Commission proposal a bathing site falls within the scope of this directive when a large number of people go there. It has already been said here that it is quite difficult to say what a large number actually means: a large number where there are a lot of people, or a large number where, for example, there are 20 kilometres of beach per inhabitant and public right of access? How, moreover, do we define a bathing site and ensure that attending to measurements and water quality does not become too bureaucratic? My friend, Torben Lund, here thought it absurd to have a proposal that defines a bathing site according to how many bathers go there, and according to which the authorities must define it as a bathing site. In my view, it is just as absurd for the Commission to take Finland to court because measurements have not been carried out there with respect to some beach that everybody knows to be clean, and where the quality of the water is even known to be excellent, just because the definition of a bathing site has these problems associated with it. I hope that this kind of flexibility is brought to the directive in the proper way, but at the same time I hope that these issues of public health with regard to the citizens of Europe are also taken proper account of in this directive."@en1

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