Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2003-09-02-Speech-2-310"

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"Mr President, the Group of the Party of European Socialists agrees with the conclusions of the rapporteur, Mr Ojeda, and of the Committee on Fisheries and will therefore vote in favour of the extension of the fisheries agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Guinea. Having said this, we should learn certain lessons when it comes to renewing other fisheries agreements. Firstly, duration. It is not good either for the Community or for the other contracting party, or for the fisheries sector, for agreements to be of such a short duration – two years – as the existing one between the European Union and Guinea. In order to make the necessary planning, it would be more appropriate to have an agreement of five years, even if it contains a mid-term review clause. I must therefore express my satisfaction with the announcement Commissioner Fischler has just made to the effect that the next agreement will last for five years, if I have understood correctly. Agreements must also serve the Community in terms of establishing strategic alliances within international fora with a view to making effective progress in the fight against illegal fishing, which is the greatest scourge faced by sustainable fishing and the future of fisheries. We want the Community to help the Guinean authorities responsible for controlling and monitoring fishing activities in order to achieve sustainable exploitation of the fisheries resources of the country, showing respect for the environment and marine resources. Our group therefore believes that it is justified to support this extension as requested by the rapporteur, Mr Ojeda, who has done wonderful work, since, as in the case of the other commercial fisheries agreements, it is beneficial to both parties, since it contributes to the development of local fishing, increases food safety in the country, allows its port infrastructure to be improved and because the money paid by the European Community means significant income in the form of financial compensation for the public coffers of the Republic of Guinea. Furthermore, this agreement contributes in turn to European economic and social cohesion, since it benefits fleets from regions highly dependent on fishing, peripheral regions and regions with incomes below the Community average. I would ask the Commission, when considering a further renewal of this agreement, to take account of the request, already made by Parliament on other occasions, to include the social clause in the next protocol."@en1

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