Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2003-05-15-Speech-4-089"

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". The van den Berg report, like the Ferrer report, moreover, claims that European Union aid can do nothing less than reduce poverty in what are known as developing countries. However, as everyone knows, European Union aid, like aid from individual states, even the wealthiest ones, and aid from international institutions, is only a drop in the ocean of poverty under which these countries are submerged. The rapporteur himself admits this. Despite that, however, he is still promoting his conformist views on the virtues of education. In actual fact, this much-talked-about aid is only a tiny amount of what is plundered from the developing countries by the large capitalist groups of Europe and elsewhere. Moreover, the rapporteur mentions some of the destructive factors such as global economic inequalities and the burden of debt, but he shows no sign of wanting to put a stop to them. In other words, as far as the European Union is concerned, these countries are condemned to remaining under the yoke of the economic dictatorships of the large trusts. We abstained rather than voting against the motion, purely because we did not want to oppose the – albeit ludicrously inadequate – aid envisaged."@en1

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