Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2003-03-27-Speech-4-034"

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"Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, as has already been said, economic and financial crime significantly prejudice the financial interests of the European Union, to the tune of over EUR 1 billion each year, according to estimates. Enlargement will certainly not improve this situation, as it will further fragment the European judicial area, increase the number of administrative bodies involved in the management of Community funds and accordingly increase the risk of fraud. As we know, this fraud and crime are a long-standing concern of the European Parliament, and Article 280 of the Treaty of Amsterdam gave the Community power to take effective and equivalent measures in all the Member States. I therefore fully support the Commission's Green Paper on the establishment of a European Prosecutor with the remit of defending the Community's financial interests, and I also wholeheartedly support Mrs Theato's report. I also endorse the incorporation of a new Article 280a in the future constitutional treaty, an idea which was in fact rejected by the last intergovernmental conference, despite the support this House gave to the idea in 2000. It is most definitely necessary to create a European Prosecutor, but we need to assure his or her democratic legitimacy by providing for the European Parliament to give its assent to his or her appointment. We also need stress the need for the European Prosecutor and his or her deputies to have a statute guaranteeing their total independence from parties to any trial and the European Union’s Member States, bodies and institutions. It is also essential to guarantee the uniformity of public prosecution throughout the European legal area by affirming the mandatory prosecution principle, and by imposing strict rules for the conditional dismissal of cases. We also support the principle of a Community court responsible for preparing criminal cases, within the Court of Justice. Lastly, it will of course also be important to guarantee better coordination, indeed the best coordination possible, between the European Prosecutor and the structures of OLAF, Eurojust and Europol. As Mrs Theato has just emphasised, we have appealed to the Convention, and hope that it will take our views on board."@en1

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