Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2003-03-10-Speech-1-138"
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Mr President, I would like to thank the rapporteur, Mrs Ayuso González, once again for her work, as well as the committee and all the Members of Parliament and I would like to say that today we are discussing an important text which I hope Parliament will support when it votes.
It is important because, as Mrs Rothe has said, it is not sufficient simply to state principles. It is not sufficient to say that 12% of our energy must be renewable. We must take measures so that that becomes the case.
I confess that when I make a promise I like to fulfil it. The promise had been made by others. I am trying to take measures so that this promise, this agreement, this commitment made by all the countries in this Parliament and in the Council, of 12% renewable energy, may genuinely be achieved. I believe this is an extremely important measure, together with the provision on green electricity. It is not perfect, we would all have liked to have had obligatory objectives, but I believe the compromise contained in this proposal is reasonable and puts significant pressure on all the States of the Union to finally comply with what has been said here.
In the transport sector there are very few measures we can take to reduce CO2 emissions, but this is one of them and, by supporting it, I hope that we can implement it quickly, in addition to the issue of taxes, which is essential if it is to really work."@en1
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