Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2003-01-15-Speech-3-154"

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lpv:spoken text
"Mr President, may I take this opportunity to be the first Member to congratulate Professor Diamandouros on his election as European Ombudsman. It has been my pleasure over the last few years to work with Jacob Söderman, who has been an outstanding Ombudsman for Europe, but I am very happy to see that the position of Ombudsman will continue in the safe hands of Professor Diamandouros. The post of Ombudsman is a crucial post for European democracy. It is important that it is in competent hands and we now see that it will be. One point I would like to make is this. All the candidates for Ombudsman – and they should all be thanked for their contribution to the debate – have upheld the code of good administrative behaviour proposed and endorsed by this Parliament and proposed by Mr Söderman. We should very firmly say to the institutions of Europe, particularly the Commission, that they should also now seize the opportunity without any further delay to endorse that code, so that we can be quite sure that Europe has the good administration it needs and deserves and which all the servants of the institutions wish to provide. I offer Professor Diamandouros all my congratulations."@en1

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