Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2002-12-17-Speech-2-028"

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"Mr President, I am very glad to say that the health crisis is behind us, but its side effects are unresolved. The first thing we must do is understand. Unfortunately, at this juncture, we can still only speculate as to the source of the infection and the factors that caused the disease to spread. Nevertheless, we can still learn our first lesson, namely the importance of a policy of proximity, which may mean bringing the activities at all stages of the process closer together or maintaining public services at local level in order to avoid transporting animals, which appears, in this case, to have played a significant role. It is clear that we cannot repeat a slaughter on such a huge scale. The report also puts forward proposals that we shall support such as the revision of emergency plans in conjunction with all partners, a training policy, an effective exchange of information between Member States and an increase in resources for research into marker vaccines. These prevention programmes should also take into account the conservation of genetic resources while wild species, game and dying breeds must be protected through specific measures. Lastly, prevention programmes will only be effective if adequate compensation is guaranteed."@en1

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