Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2002-11-21-Speech-4-048"

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"Mr President, several Members have referred to the control of our state aid in candidate countries. I can certify that enormous efforts have been made, that some flexibility has been applied by the European Commission in terms of converting incompatible state aid into compatible state aid, and that although some remaining points of criticism remain, the situation is, by and large, satisfactory. I agree with the rapporteur, Mr Herzog, that whereas competition policy is indispensable, it would be all the better if the European Union were able to reinforce industrial policy and R[amp]D policy. We do not see any contradiction between these two elements. Since it is a little difficult to go deeper into this issue under these circumstances, I would like to repeat the favour with which the Commission sees the efforts by the courts in Luxembourg to speed up the judicial review. As I have already stated on several occasions, the Commission will be helpful concerning the possibilities of setting up judicial panels, for example, keeping the administrative decision within the European Commission. Mr Markov and others underlined the need for a synergy between competition policy, social policy and ecology policy. We tried to achieve that. I will refer here to social policy and the recently-introduced framework for state aid to employment, and, in relation to the environment, to the recent guidelines on renewable energies. My last remarks concern the full support given by Parliament to the modernisation of anti-trust rules. If I had time I would go through several points which could completely reassure Mr Doorn, Mrs Riis-Jørgensen and others: there will not be renationalisation of competition policy through this reform. Finally, to Mrs Randzio-Plath, we work under the current institutional rules but I am most grateful for the constructive interaction we have developed between the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs which you chair, and the European Commission. In that context the discussion of competition issues goes far beyond what the current institutional context requires. I apologise to all the MEPs for whom I have been unable, owing to time constraints, to provide articulate answers."@en1

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