Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2002-11-06-Speech-3-060"
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"Mr President-in-Office of the Council, Mr Prodi, President of the Commission, thirteen years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, I would like to say well done on taking the penultimate step which will enable Europe to reconcile its history with its geography. You took this step under particular circumstances which will also enable us to reassure our populations thanks to this general safeguard clause. I think that this is a good sign. In taking this step, you also broke down the barrier represented by the financial block. This is wonderful! We shall take note of what has been achieved.
We would, however, like to express our concern regarding the impact of this agreement on the much-needed reform of the common agricultural policy. This reform cannot wait until 2007, as it will only increase injustice and encourage the new member countries to adopt an approach based on maximum productivity. This reform is all the more necessary because, as of 2007, the agricultural budget will be reduced.
That is why we reaffirm our support for Commissioner Fischler’s proposals and we support the idea of a mid-term review, which can alone enable us to redefine the future prospects for all farmers, and not just for large cereal producers. It is the only way to reform the markets which need these reforms immediately, whether in the milk, sugar or olive oil sectors. This is the only way to encourage the development of the rural pillar that is so badly needed, by means of compulsory modulation. It is the only way to make our common agricultural policy match our ambitions in the area of development aid.
I have three further points to make. With regard to Kaliningrad, well done on respecting Lithuania’s sovereignty, although this will mean nothing if the Union fails to use all the resources at its disposal to bring an end to the lawless situation in Kaliningrad, which has been caused by a deterioration of the economic situation.
With regard to Romania and Bulgaria, well done on the objective set in terms of a timetable, but do not lower your guard in terms of pre-accession aid for these countries, which need it so badly.
Lastly, let us remain consistent: we want a Union that is underpinned by the principle of secularity like a school of democracy and tolerance. Let us be vigilant towards Turkey therefore. Let us demand the Copenhagen criteria, all the criteria, both political and economic, but avoid making the issue of religion a reason for refusing Turkey entry to the Union, on the grounds that this country is mainly Muslim. This Union must be an open and tolerant Union."@en1
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