Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2002-10-09-Speech-3-128"

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"Madam President, Commissioner, I would like to begin my statement on the Commission proposal with a word of congratulations to Commissioner Barnier and his colleagues on the way that the presentation of the proposal for a regulation on the setting up of the Solidarity Fund has actually been very quick. By doing this, the Commission has in fact done its bit to meet the expectations of the citizens in the European Union's disaster areas for prompt aid. At the same time, I of course want to give my support to the discussion here in Parliament being a matter of urgency, and I expect the Council to go ahead with its project of direct dialogue to deal with Parliament's amendments to the Commission's draft. This would make it possible to actually make a start on allocating resources from the Fund with effect from 1 November, following adoption by the General Council on 21 October. I think this is virtually a world record for these three European institutions to get something from conception to realisation in such a short time. This is unmistakeably and tangibly symbolic of European solidarity. My group gives its support to the extension of the applicability of the Fund's resources to major disasters in accordance with the amendment brought in by the Committee on Regional Policy, Transport and Tourism and is in consequence opposed to the Council's preference for concentrating on natural disasters. In the same way, as my fellow Members have already said, we are also, as a group, in favour of applying them to damage in excess of EUR 1 billion or 0.5% of GDP, 50% to be paid out at once, a three-month deadline for submission of applications, and the possibility of derogations for regions that are particularly severely affected. I would, though like to express my regret that, as the Fund is to be what one might term a fund with virtual money, it is not to be possible to transfer resources unused in one year to the following year and thus to accumulate them. To do so would have given us a more flexible instrument for giving as much help as possible to citizens, businesses and institutions affected even by major disasters."@en1

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