Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2002-09-03-Speech-2-328"

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"Mr President, I would like to congratulate the Commission because this is the result of perseverance and of having believed in something which had never before been dealt with. Therefore, in recent years, during this legislature and during previous ones, a European awareness is being created of the problems of violence against women, against children and in the home. I believe we should insist on this working approach despite the fact that it is difficult to introduce the credibility and importance of these ideas into the policies of the countries. Let us consider what is happening in many European countries. Organised prostitution, domestic violence, the alarming increase in violence against children and the abandonment of many of them by their families, demonstrate that we are talking about an issue which must be dealt with through a system of shared competences. In this regard, I fully support the proposals of Mrs Avilés and I very much agree with what the Commissioner has said. To put it another way, Europe must create a minimum referential legal framework both for violence in the home and the obligation of the States to protect the victims and for trying to prevent the irreversible damage being done to children who are witnesses to horrors, minors who live in an atmosphere of fear and who cannot escape violence. Furthermore, it is very clear, and I would like to stress this, that the majority of abandoned children and those who suffer horrors in their own homes are in this situation because the family has broken down or has never existed. Consequently, their protection and education cannot be dealt with within the family framework. Other protection and defence strategies must be put in place since sometimes the family is a repressive environment. Furthermore, I have the feeling that we are getting used to so many cases arising. In this regard, I would ask for the implementation of a right for children which is binding for the Member States and that this obligation be taken into account when discussing the countries which are to join the European Union. It is impossible to carry on working without a basic legal framework, particularly when we know we are not protecting the victims."@en1

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