Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2002-06-13-Speech-4-184"
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"Mr President, anyone who has ever seen from the air the huge landscape around the Congo and its neighbouring great lakes knows that this is one of the world's most fascinating regions. It is actually a sort of continent within a continent, and so this cannot, alas, be considered as a normal internal problem; the extent of this war is comparable to something like the Thirty Years' War in Europe. Just as, in Europe's Thirty Years' War, religious motivations were exploited by tough political and economic interests, the ethnicity of people in the Congo region and in the Democratic Republic of Congo is being misused as a tool in the interests and for the sake of corporations, raw materials and the major powers. As in the age of the Thirty Years' War, the troops of neighbouring states have become caught up in this civil war, never returning to their countries of origin and themselves joining the marauding bands in this gigantic country.
That is why this is, lamentably, a problem whose solution will take a great deal of time. We have to start, in the first place, by constructing a State structure for this gigantic land that the decolonisation process carved out. This can only be done step by step in a gradual process that must build on what was agreed in Sun City, but we must be clear in our own minds that it cannot be done overnight, that many, many small steps will be needed and that we will only be able to talk in terms of democracy when we have ensured that the State is able to perform its most basic functions. That will involve, above all, a minimum of administration and communications and the reinstatement of shipping on the Congo, which is this great country's lifeline, and without which it cannot be reconstructed."@en1
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