Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2002-02-06-Speech-3-195"

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". Mr Carnero González was present in the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy when I said, quite clearly and unambiguously, and I am honoured to be able to repeat this here today, that the European Union will never – I repeat – never, allow any European citizen to be extradited, under any kind of agreement with the United States, whilst there is no guarantee of two things – not one, but two – that the death penalty would never be applied, and that they would never be judged by one of these military tribunals that have recently been set up since 11 September. I said this in Committee and I am repeating it today in Plenary. And certainly, with regard to the abolition of the death penalty, we also said, in a debate that took place right here in Parliament very recently on the position of the European Union in the Human Rights Commission, that one of the main standpoints of the Delegation from the European Union and its Member States in the Human Rights Commission is precisely to fight for the abolition of the death penalty in every country in the world, regardless of religion, culture, etc."@en1

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