Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2002-01-17-Speech-4-075"

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lpv:spoken text
"I welcome the adoption of this Sixth Environment Action Programme as I believe that it will greatly strengthen EU environmental laws across a range of key sectors – water, air, and noise pollution, waste management, levels of pesticides and dangerous chemicals, and the reduction of greenhouse gases. As far as Ireland is concerned, I must caution that the Irish government's laissez-faire attitude to environmental protection over the past five years means that Ireland will have great difficulty in achieving the EU’s new environmental objectives as adopted by the European Parliament today. The Irish Government has one of the worst records in Europe when it comes to complying with existing objectives, thus making it more difficult for Ireland to achieve the new targets set for the next decade. The Government’s policy of effectively ignoring EU environmental laws, to which it has signed up, means that Ireland will have great difficulty in achieving the EU’s new, stricter environmental objectives. Failing to comply with EU environmental laws is not only a matter of breaking agreements Ireland has freely entered into with our European partners, it also is a denial of the right of Irish people to the clean and safe environment they are entitled to as EU citizens."@en1

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