Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2002-01-16-Speech-3-096"
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"Mr President, Mr President-in-Office of the Council, Secretary of State, Mr President of the Commission, ladies and gentlemen, the European Union has, since the Cologne Extraordinary Summit in June 1999, possessed a European security and defence identity which, for the first time, is truly worthy of the designation ‘common’. We have achieved great steps forward in this area, which will allow us to use the Rapid Reaction Force, which will be ready for action from 2003 onwards, to independently carry out what are termed the Petersberg tasks, at least on our own continent and in any case with an appropriate UN mandate.
Mr President-in-Office, I would like to add a brief observation to your statements and make a major request of the Spanish Presidency. Taking the observation first, you have described the Rapid Reaction Force as being also an instrument against terrorism in the European Union. I would say that, in our democratic states, the combating of terrorism is primarily a task for the internal forces of law and order and the justice authorities. Should military actions also become necessary, as they did after 11 September, what we call the principle of the rule of law nevertheless remains untouched. My request to the Spanish Presidency is that, where military operations are mounted under the sole leadership of the European Union, there must be the possibility of falling back on the material resources of NATO, especially in transport and reconnaissance capacities, and also, to some extent, in the command structures.
It is truly astonishing that the agreement we need between the EU and NATO has, through Turkey's resistance, not yet come about. The proposal that Great Britain and the United States, without the EU's mandate, presented at the Laeken Summit, is unsuitable and unacceptable. So I ask that the Spanish Presidency should see to it that we get an agreement with NATO, so that our security and defence policy may be secured."@en1
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