Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2001-11-28-Speech-3-195"

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"Mr President, we have long been calling for an increase in funds for AIDS given the appalling situation. The European Parliament has made its stance on this issue clear in voting for the Khanbhai report. We were naturally very encouraged by the decision to release a further EUR 120 million. However, the proposal put before us today, after some prevarication, only amounts to EUR 60 million. Furthermore, this will come from the existing budget. This is not extra money. These funds are not ongoing. We also wish to question the allocation of this money to a single international fund. What is the aim of this fund? Is it only for prevention? Or will it also provide access to treatment for people living in the countries of the South? Will it provide health care infrastructures and medicines? These are the questions we must ask. How will this fund be managed? How will those that need this money, namely the countries of the South, be involved in these decisions? It is not simply up to the donor countries. I think that we must ask ourselves all these questions because people are dying everyday, but we have money and it is up to us to help them."@en1

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