Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2001-11-28-Speech-3-094"
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"Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, I would, first of all, like to start by thanking you for the speed and flexibility with which you have worked over recent weeks. The Council meeting of 20 September, and then the European Council that met the following day, decided, as you know, on rapid implementation of the Action Plan against terrorism, with a December deadline for each of the three decisions that we are discussing today, which are key elements of this action plan. European citizens would not understand if the European Union did not work as fast as possible to adopt the measures in question. The speed with which the rapporteurs have worked and with which the Committee on Citizens’ Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs has examined the reports, and you are to discuss them today, are exemplary. Respecting the deadlines set for adopting these decisions depended on all of that, and the Presidency is very grateful to you for that support for its work.
Madam President, first of all, I will deal with the decision creating Eurojust, then the framework decision on the European arrest warrant, and I will finish with the framework decision on combating terrorism. I will not go back over the objectives of each of the instruments, or not much. You know them well enough. I would like to confine myself to the reason why you invited the Presidency here today, and I will therefore go through the preparatory work for each of the decisions."@en1
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