Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2001-09-05-Speech-3-275"
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I should like to answer the question of the honourable Member Bart Staes as follows. Firstly, the Council acknowledges that it bears responsibility for Europol in a general sense. The execution of contracts, however, is a matter which, in the first instance, falls under the competent services of Europol. The question is therefore being dealt with at the moment by the director of Europol, under the supervision of the board of management.
However, the Council has information that all contracts entered into by Europol at the time are now being examined by an independent external bureau as a result of a decision by Europol’s board of management. The inquiry into the supposed theft of software and its possible use has been forwarded for further investigation to the public prosecutor in The Hague. A parallel judicial inquiry has opened in Germany.
We must therefore await the results of the judicial inquiry before we can provide further details. I should like to point out to the honourable Member that the discovery of fraudulent practices was the result of the nonetheless efficient operation of the existing present monitoring structures, since this is how they were brought to light."@en1
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