Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2001-09-05-Speech-3-234"
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"Madam President, I would like to thank the Belgian Presidency and Commissioner Vitorino for their introduction and to make two points of a political nature.
Firstly, I think everyone is aware of the active, prominent role taken for the first time by the European Union at the G8 summit. Although it may well be true that the results could have been better in practical terms – as other Members have stressed – I would like to quote a politician who is not from my own culture but who is known to many in this Chamber: “The longest journey begins with a single step!” And without a doubt, a completely new way of working was established in Genoa compared to that adopted for all the other G8 summits.
Secondly, I am sure that the goal of all the Members of this House is to achieve increasingly closer Union between the peoples of Europe, and that we base our future work and our political activity on consensus, democracy and the law.
Well then, with regard to the Genoa Summit and the messages which subsequently emerged through the media, what concerns me is an attempt to deny representative democracy. I find this unacceptable. It may be part of the culture of others, but we must reject violence because violence is contrary to the way civilised human beings relate to each other in our culture and, above all, we must adopt an approach which is totally different from this blanket opposition.
I will end with two brief points for consideration. We did not support the resolution because – as I am sure some of you will remember – in July, we wanted a debate to be held so that we would arrive prepared, as the European Parliament, together with the Council and the Commission, at the Genoa Summit. This was refused us: we only had time for an oral question.
Secondly, in my opinion, in view, apart from anything else, of the tendencies of some of the previous speakers, I would wait for the conclusions of the work currently being carried out by the Italian judiciary before firing accusations or making scathing judgments about the work of the Italian police force."@en1
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