Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2001-04-04-Speech-3-181"

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"I must thank the President of the Council for his very elaborate and extensive response which could, however, be summarised in two sentences flat. I do not know whether to laugh or cry. Whilst all of Europe is wondering how it should start to act as a united front in its defence policy, for example after the Kosovo war, you are coming up with this response. I am really starting to question the Council’s validity. You were absent during the foot-and-mouth debate, as well as during the debate on the discharge. The discharge, as granted by the Council, was an illustration of bad craftsmanship pure and simple. I cannot understand why you are simply fobbing us off with such a response. Indeed, Article 296 of the Treaty on European Union imposes a few restrictions on yourselves in this respect. However, you could also start applying Article 296(2), and you could at least ask the Commission to ensure that you have authority to act in this field. At a time when a Member State is finally abandoning economic compensations and moving away from dubious practices, I find the Council’s response in this matter unacceptable."@en1

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