Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2001-02-15-Speech-4-017"
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"Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, despite the contradictions and repetitions contained in the final version of the report produced by the Committee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy, it is still possible to discern the guideline which it wishes to lay down for research for the benefit of the monopolies. The clear references to strengthening competitiveness, the proposal to compile a list of priorities, the recommendation on reducing the number of priorities in order to focus efforts on smaller research projects, the suffocating controls on every research activity will, if adopted by the Council and the Commission, result in a nightmarish structure which will smother research and researchers, wipe out any freedom in the search for new knowledge and radically change the nature of research as a process of producing new knowledge and as a productive force, especially in countries such as Greece, where nearly all research activity revolves around European funding.
Furthermore, linking the European Research Area with security and defence policy, paragraph 28, will encourage the militarisation of research, a highly dangerous move. In addition, the reference to new Member States, paragraph 35, is clearly disparaging, given that most of them have a long history of research. I want to believe that Commissioner Busquin will have the sense to ignore most of the European Parliament's recommendation. Otherwise, as I said earlier, we shall have a nightmarish structure in the research area rather than a European Research Area. Needless to say, the Communist Party of Greece will be voting against the report."@en1
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