Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2000-07-06-Speech-4-278"

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"Mr President, I agree with Mr Watson, the Chairman of the Committee on Citizens’ Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs, who said in an interview that the urgency tabled by Mr Swoboda was the wrong course to choose and that he expected a rather more mature approach. I agree with him because in an explanatory statement, which he presented to the House, Mr Swoboda refers to conflicts between the government in Austria and the head of the Monitoring Centre on racism that date back quite some time. It was the time when Viktor Klima, an SPÖ member, was head of the Austrian Government and the government was SPÖ-dominated. It is a delicate matter when a Socialist from Austria does this, but by no means urgent. I endorse what Mr Watson said because here Mr Swoboda is also confirming to the present government that better relations are now being established with this Monitoring Centre. He should be pleased about that, as I and many others are. That again is no reason for urgency; and there is even less reason for urgency when I quote you what the head of this Monitoring Centre says in an interview she authorised. She specifically praises Austria’s new policy towards foreigners and concedes to the government that there has, of course, not been a single xenophobic initiative, whereas there is much progress. She says, much progress, which was not possible under the red-green government; and of course she also says that she is not being hindered in any way in her work. So what is the point of all this, Mr Swoboda? As an Austrian Socialist you are obviously just trying to create a platform for polemics against Austrian. That is shameful for an Austrian and should be condemned in the strongest possible terms!"@en1

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