Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2000-04-11-Speech-2-270"

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"Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, European consumers are justifiably concerned about genetically modified organisms and their release. The industrial lobby continues, unscrupulously and in the name of the great god profit, to play the sorcerer’s apprentice, juggling dangerously with food safety and consumer health. It is Europe’s duty to pass stringent legislation that will make these alchemists accountable and to guarantee product quality whilst also providing citizens with clear information. We totally agree with the line of thinking adopted in this report. The emphasis should be placed on the traceability facilitated by comprehensive information, including that aimed at third countries which import or export GMOs. Indeed, consumer safety calls for equal treatment with a view to avoiding any deflection of trade or the export of products unsaleable on the European market. We must also require the prior approval of the recipient country before any trade can take place. If the liability of the operator responsible for release is to be officially established, it would also be advisable to define this liability precisely and unhurriedly, in order to avoid introducing an over-general concept of environmental liability. Lastly, the risks to the environment should be assessed via an annual cost-benefit analysis of these GMO releases, carried out in a transparent manner and extended to cover animal and plant health as well as public and private goods."@en1

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