Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2000-03-14-Speech-2-289"

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"Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to put forward the proposal of the Industry Committee which was adopted by 40 votes to 4 and which deals with target values in particular. There is absolutely no doubt that in tightening up or adopting the ozone directive we must find a reasonable compromise between the justifiable demand for improved air quality and the possibility for European economy and society to reasonably adapt in particularly polluted regions. For this reason, unlike the Environment Committee which has responsibility in this matter, we have not taken on board the proposals of the Commission wholesale, but have modified them. I know that the experts at the Commission will vigorously oppose this, but we think that we can propose a compromise given that the guide value of 180 µg/m3 is not disputed, nor indeed the critical value of 240, only the target value. We would like to propose for this a 30-year programme which, although based on the WHO value of 120 µg/m3, provides for a phased reduction in the number of days on which this value may be exceeded: 40 days in 2010, 20 days in 2020 (which is the Commission’s target for 2010) and no days in 2030. This is a concern in particular for the warmer regions of Europe, namely coastal regions, which have to cope with a particularly high external ozone penetration. I think we have put forward a reasonable compromise here. In any case, we are prepared to compromise with the Commission, particularly as we assume that only this type of compromise will also find approval in the Council. For this reason we are venturing to re-introduce this proposal on behalf of the Group of the European People’s Party, even though it was marginally defeated in the Environment Committee. We hope that you will consent to it."@en1

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