Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2000-02-15-Speech-2-260"

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"Thank you for your reply. I should just like to apologise for the error in my question to the Commission. Instead of 2004, it should, of course, be 1 July 2000. I have some sympathy with the Commission's standpoint that derogations should only be granted occasionally. Such a rule is only normal. Nevertheless, I should like to ask two questions: Are you thinking of embarking upon continued discussions with the Swedish Government about extending the derogations, for example for as long as Denmark and Finland have derogations? My second question concerns the whole policy on alcohol. This may, of course, be seen as an issue concerning the internal market, but also as a public health matter for the whole EU. What are the respective roles of alcohol policy and public health considerations in the Commission's work? A Europe-wide policy on alcohol is not just an issue concerning the internal market. It also has important implications for public health. If we had considered these aspects in their overall context, then it might have been easier to carry on a dialogue with Sweden."@en1

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