Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/1999-10-27-Speech-3-217"

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"Mr President, Commissioner, I would like to congratulate Mr Graça Moura on his outstanding work. The liberal group warmly endorses the amendments that he has submitted. As far as the level of the Budget is concerned, the liberal group too feels that the Council’s efforts fall short of the mark. There are a few points that I would like to emphasise. Firstly, the cultural networks. The Council’s text literally states that financed projects must operate with the aid of networks. According to this text cultural networks ought only to be able to make claims of the Framework Programme on culture for individual projects. However, they should also be able to receive support for some of their recurring expenses. For if there is money available for the project, but not for keeping the network’s office running, then there will be no support for the project and the experience gained will be wasted. My second point is that the programme now takes full account of the importance of reading and translation. However, I am rather concerned as to whether the money will be distributed effectively. There must be proportional representation as far as promotion, translation and cultural exchanges are concerned, and these must not compete with each other. The literary translation establishments, which play an important part in making our cultural heritage accessible, are particularly at risk. That is why I intend to see to it that they continue to receive some of the money. My final point, Mr President, is that I was not happy with the budgetary procedure. The members of the Committee on Culture have a better understanding than the Committee on Budgets as to how the money should be distributed amongst cultural and educational institutions. Let the Committee on Budgets establish the framework and the specialised committee get down to work on the priorities as regards content and the financial interpretation thereof. I await with interest the discussion that the budget rapporteur has announced which will take place on the way in which the financial resources in chapter A 30 of the budget for 2001 are allocated."@en1

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