Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/1999-10-27-Speech-3-175"

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"Mr President, I should like to thank Commissioner Chris Patten for his clear and powerful speech, and I should also like to thank Mr Barón Crespo for emphasising that it is not the United States we are criticising today. Rather, it is a number of specific politicians in the American Senate. We are friends of the United States. We admire the United States’ contribution to freedom and peace in the world. We have supported the United States’ and NATO’s nuclear strategy, including their attempts to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons. And that is why, in this situation, we must have a serious word with our friends in the American Senate. It is completely irresponsible to use ratification of the nuclear test ban treaty as a political football in an internal political dispute between the Republican Congress and the Democratic President. How are we to be able to press Russia and China and India and Pakistan to ratify the treaty when our most important ally will not do so? We protested – I think Mr Morillon can remember this – when France carried out its nuclear tests in the Pacific. We protested because this damaged attempts to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons. We need now to criticise the majority in the American Senate. We urge that the matter be taken up again. We hope due note is taken of the fact that the American Senate is today facing a barrage of criticism. It is well deserved. I hope that it leads to the issue being taken up again quickly."@en1

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