Resource | Count |
"Added spokenAs triples per year"@en | 19 |
"foaf (epoch-6-ge0db719)" | 12 |
"ClioPatria (V3.1.1-18-g6a08c84)" | 11 |
"swi-prolog (7.7.12)" | 10 |
"Talk of Europe xml2rdf transformation platform"@en | 9 |
"prov (a5b18ca)" | 9 |
"skos (36e3c3d)" | 9 |
"xmlrdf (8dd608b)" | 9 |
"" | 8 |
"toe_xmlrdf (V3.0.0)" | 5 |
"Recursive data copy"@en | 4 |
"Talk of Europe portal server"@en | 3 |
"prov (f8f9243)"^^xsd:string | 3 |
"rdf_qa (f09fc3d)"^^xsd:string | 3 |
"statistics (283c62c)"^^xsd:string | 3 |
"swish (8435511)"^^xsd:string | 3 |
"toe (V3.0.0-10-ge5a45ee)"^^xsd:string | 3 |
"toe_xmlrdf (V3.0.0-6-gbe34812)" | 3 |
"Agent" | 2 |
"BANU-PU"@en | 2 |
"COMPROMIS"@en | 2 |
"Centro cristiano democratico"@en | 2 |
"Christen-Democratisch & Vlaams - Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie"@en | 2 |
"Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria"@en | 2 |
"Class" | 2 |
"Coalicion Canaria"@en | 2 |
"Coligação Democrática Unitária"@en | 2 |
"Committee on Industry, Research and Energy"@en | 2 |
"Committee on International Trade"@en | 2 |
"Committee on Transports"@en | 2 |
"Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credencials and Immunities"@en | 2 |
"Communistische Partij Nederland"@en | 2 |
"Delegation for relations with Afghanistan"@en | 2 |
"Delegation for relations with Belarus"@en | 2 |
"Delegation for relations with Israel"@en | 2 |
"Delegation for relations with Yugoslavia"@en | 2 |
"Delegation for relations with the Mashreq countries (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria)"@en | 2 |
"Delegation for relations with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly"@en | 2 |
"Delegation for relations with the Republics of former Yugoslavia"@en | 2 |
"Delegation for relations with the countries of South Asia"@en | 2 |
"Delegation to the EC-Austria Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en | 2 |
"Delegation to the EU-former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Joint Parliamentary Committee"@en | 2 |
"Democraten 66"@en | 2 |
"EH BILDU"@en | 2 |
"Ecologist Greens"@en | 2 |
"Eesti Keskerakond"@en | 2 |
"Europe of freedom and democracy Group"@en | 2 |
"Europe Écologie"@en | 2 |
"Fratelli d'Italia - Alleanza Nazionale"@en | 2 |
"Given name" | 2 |
"Građansko-liberalni savez"@en | 2 |
"Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe"@en | 2 |
"Independiente"@en | 2 |
"Istarski demokratski sabor - Dieta democratica istriana"@en | 2 |
"Jiří Pospíšil"@en | 2 |
"Les Verts-Europe-Ecologie"@en | 2 |
"Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between ACP and EEC (ACP-EEC)"@en | 2 |
"Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the EEC (ACP-EEC)"@en | 2 |
"Miljøpartiet Fokus"@en | 2 |
"Movimento Civico Federativo Popolare"@en | 2 |
"Organization" | 2 |
"Parti démocratique"@en | 2 |
"Partido do Centro Democrático Social"@en | 2 |
"Partit Demòcrata Europeu i Català"@en | 2 |
"Partito comunista italiano"@en | 2 |
"Partito popolare italiano"@en | 2 |
"Pavel Svoboda"@en | 2 |
"Person" | 2 |
"Repository"@de | 2 |
"Role" | 2 |
"Slovenska Ljudska Stranka"@en | 2 |
"Socialistische Partij.Anders"@en | 2 |
"Speaker" | 2 |
"Strana Demokratického Slovenska"@en | 2 |
"Temporary committee on policy challenges and budgetary means of the enlarged Union 2007-2013"@en | 2 |
"Thing" | 2 |
"Ulster Conservatives and Unionists-New Force"@en | 2 |
"Unione democratico cristiana"@en | 2 |
"United Democratic Forces"@en | 2 |
"Version"@de | 2 |
"Wim van Velzen"@en | 2 |
"Wolność"@en | 2 |
"Združena lista socialnih demokratov"@en | 2 |
"account" | 2 |
"member" | 2 |
"name"@en | 2 |
""^^xsd:string | 2 |
"title" | 2 |
"Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei"@en | 2 |
"سجل"@ar | 2 |
"قائمة بيانات"@ar | 2 |
"カタログ・レコード"@ja | 2 |
"データセット"@ja | 2 |
""@en | 1 |
""Io amo l'Italia""@en | 1 |
""Par cilvēka tiesībām vienotā Latvijā""@en | 1 |
""Saskaņa" sociāldemokrātiskā partija"@en | 1 |
"-"@en | 1 |
"- (Romania)"@en | 1 |
"385deae20e14:/opt/project/"^^xsd:string | 1 |
"856ba5538cab:/opt/project/"^^xsd:string | 1 |
"ADK member ID"@en | 1 |
"AELG ID"@en | 1 |
"AGORHA person/institution ID"@en | 1 |
"AIM chat ID" | 1 |
"ALDE Romania"@en | 1 |
"ANO 2011"@en | 1 |
"Aar de Goede"@en | 1 |
"Aart Geurtsen"@en | 1 |
"Abdelkader Mohamed Ali"@en | 1 |
"Abel Matutes"@en | 1 |
"Abstract"@en-US | 1 |
"Académie française member ID"@en | 1 |
"Accademia della Crusca ID"@en | 1 |
"Access Rights"@en-US | 1 |
"Accrual Method"@en-US | 1 |
"Accrual Periodicity"@en-US | 1 |
"Accrual Policy"@en-US | 1 |
"Achille Occhetto"@en | 1 |
"Achillefs Gerokostopoulos"@en | 1 |
"Activity" | 1 |
"ActivityInfluence" | 1 |
"Adam Biela"@en | 1 |
"Adam Bielan"@en | 1 |
"Adam Fergusson"@en | 1 |
"Adam Gierek"@en | 1 |
"Adam Szejnfeld"@en | 1 |
"Adamos Adamou"@en | 1 |
"Adelaide Aglietta"@en | 1 |
"Adeline Hazan"@en | 1 |
"Adina-Ioana Vălean"@en | 1 |
"Adrian Cioroianu"@en | 1 |
"Adrian Manole"@en | 1 |
"Adrian Severin"@en | 1 |
"Adriana Ceci"@en | 1 |
"Adriana Poli Bortone"@en | 1 |
"Adrien Zeller"@en | 1 |
"Afzal Khan"@en | 1 |
"AgendaItem" | 1 |
"Agent"@en-US | 1 |
"Agent Class"@en-US | 1 |
"AgentInfluence" | 1 |
"Aggela Kokkola"@en | 1 |
"Agir - La Droite constructive"@en | 1 |
"Agnes Jongerius"@en | 1 |
"Agnes Schierhuber"@en | 1 |
"Agnieszka Kozłowska-Rajewicz"@en | 1 |
"Agnieszka Pasternak"@en | 1 |
"Agnès Le Brun"@en | 1 |
"Agostino Mantovani"@en | 1 |
"Agrupación de Electores José María Ruiz-Mateos"@en | 1 |
"Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra"@en | 1 |
"Alain Bombard"@en | 1 |
"Alain Cadec"@en | 1 |
"Alain Carignon"@en | 1 |
"Alain Esclopé"@en | 1 |
"Alain Gillot"@en | 1 |
"Alain Hutchinson"@en | 1 |
"Alain Juppé"@en | 1 |
"Alain Krivine"@en | 1 |
"Alain Lamassoure"@en | 1 |
"Alain Lipietz"@en | 1 |
"Alain Madelin"@en | 1 |
"Alain Marleix"@en | 1 |
"Alain Pompidou"@en | 1 |
"Alajos Mészáros"@en | 1 |
"Alan Donnelly"@en | 1 |
"Alan Gillis"@en | 1 |
"Alan Kelly"@en | 1 |
"Alan R. Tyrrell"@en | 1 |
"Alasdair Hutton"@en | 1 |
"Albert Dess"@en | 1 |
"Albert Jan Maat"@en | 1 |
"Albert Pürsten"@en | 1 |
"Alberto Cirio"@en | 1 |
"Alberto Ghergo"@en | 1 |
"Alberto Michelini"@en | 1 |
"Alberto Moravia"@en | 1 |
"Alberto Tridente"@en | 1 |
"Albrecht Karl Konecny"@en | 1 |
"Alda Sousa"@en | 1 |
"Aldis Kušķis"@en | 1 |
"Aldo Arroni"@en | 1 |
"Aldo Bonaccini"@en | 1 |
"Aldo De Matteo"@en | 1 |
"Aldo Patriciello"@en | 1 |
"Alejandro Agag"@en | 1 |
"Alejandro Cercas"@en | 1 |
"Alejo Vidal-Quadras Roca"@en | 1 |
"Alekos Alavanos"@en | 1 |
"Aleksander Szczygło"@en | 1 |
"Aleksandrs Kiršteins"@en | 1 |
"Aleksandrs Mirskis"@en | 1 |
"Alena Palečková"@en | 1 |
"Alessandra Moretti"@en | 1 |
"Alessandra Mussolini"@en | 1 |
"Alessandro Battilocchio"@en | 1 |
"Alessandro Danesin"@en | 1 |
"Alessandro Foglietta"@en | 1 |
"Alessandro Fontana"@en | 1 |
"Alessandro Natta"@en | 1 |
"Alessia Mosca"@en | 1 |
"Alex Falconer"@en | 1 |
"Alex Mayer"@en | 1 |
"Alex Smith"@en | 1 |
"Alexander Graf Lambsdorff"@en | 1 |
"Alexander Langer"@en | 1 |
"Alexander Macmillan, 2nd Earl of Stockton"@en | 1 |
"Alexander Nuno Alvaro"@en | 1 |
"Alexander Radwan"@en | 1 |
"Alexander Sherlock"@en | 1 |
"Alexander Stubb"@en | 1 |
"Alexander de Roo"@en | 1 |
"Alexandra Dobolyi"@en | 1 |
"Alexandra Thein"@en | 1 |
"Alexandre Varaut"@en | 1 |
"Alexandros Baltas"@en | 1 |
"Alexandru Athanasiu"@en | 1 |
"Alexandru Ioan Morțun"@en | 1 |
"Alexandru Nazare"@en | 1 |
"Alf Svensson"@en | 1 |
"Alfeo Mizzau"@en | 1 |
"Alfons Boesmans"@en | 1 |
"Alfons Goppel"@en | 1 |
"Alfonso Andria"@en | 1 |
"Alfonso Luigi Marra"@en | 1 |
"Alfonso Novo Belenguer"@en | 1 |
"Alfred Coste-Floret"@en | 1 |
"Alfred Gomolka"@en | 1 |
"Alfred Lomas"@en | 1 |
"Alfred Sant"@en | 1 |
"Alfredo Antoniozzi"@en | 1 |
"Alfredo Diana"@en | 1 |
"Alfredo Pallone"@en | 1 |
"Alfredo Reichlin"@en | 1 |
"Alfrēds Rubiks"@en | 1 |
"Algirdas Saudargas"@en | 1 |
"Aliancia nového občana"@en | 1 |
"Alianza Popular (AP)"@en | 1 |
"Alima Boumediene-Thiery"@en | 1 |
"Alin Lucian Antochi"@en | 1 |
"Aline Archimbaud"@en | 1 |
"Aline Pailler"@en | 1 |
"AllDifferent" | 1 |
"AllDisjointClasses" | 1 |
"AllDisjointProperties" | 1 |
"AllMovie artist ID"@en | 1 |
"AllMusic artist ID"@en | 1 |
"Allan Macartney"@en | 1 |
"Allan Rogers"@en | 1 |
"Alleanza Popolare - Unione Democratici per l'Europa"@en | 1 |
"Alleanza Siciliana"@en | 1 |
"Alleanza nazionale"@en | 1 |
"Alleanza per l'Italia"@en | 1 |
"Alliance Citoyenne pour la Démocratie en Europe"@en | 1 |
"Allianz für Fortschritt und Aufbruch"@en | 1 |
"AlloCiné person ID"@en | 1 |
"Alman Metten"@en | 1 |
"Alonso José Puerta"@en | 1 |
"Aloyzas Sakalas"@en | 1 |
"Alphonsine M.J. Phlix"@en | 1 |
"Alt"@en | 1 |
"Alte Homepage"@de | 1 |
"Alternativa Popolare"@en | 1 |
"Alternativa galega de esquerda en Europa"@en | 1 |
"Alternativa sociale: Lista Mussolini"@en | 1 |
"Alternative Title"@en-US | 1 |
"Alternative für Deutschland"@en | 1 |
"Altiero Spinelli"@en | 1 |
"Alyn Smith"@en | 1 |
"Amalia Sartori"@en | 1 |
"Ambroise Guellec"@en | 1 |
"Amedeo Amadeo"@en | 1 |
"Amelia Andersdotter"@en | 1 |
"Amjad Bashir"@en | 1 |
"Amédée Turner"@en | 1 |
"An Hermans"@en | 1 |
"An Independence Party"@en | 1 |
"Ana Maria Gomes"@en | 1 |
"Ana Mato Adrover"@en | 1 |
"Ana Miranda De Lage"@en | 1 |
"Ana Miranda Paz"@en | 1 |
"Ana de Palacio y del Valle-Lersundi"@en | 1 |
"Ana-Claudia Ţapardel"@en | 1 |
"Anastasios Peponis"@en | 1 |
"Anders Primdahl Vistisen"@en | 1 |
"Anders Samuelsen"@en | 1 |
"Anders Wijkman"@en | 1 |
"Anders gaan arbeiden, leven en vrijen"@en | 1 |
"Anders gaan leven"@en | 1 |
"Andi-Lucian Cristea"@en | 1 |
"Andis Kāposts"@en | 1 |
"Andoni Monforte Arregui"@en | 1 |
"Andor Deli"@en | 1 |
"Andrea Bocskor"@en | 1 |
"Andrea Bonetti"@en | 1 |
"Andrea Carmine De Simone"@en | 1 |
"Andrea Cozzolino"@en | 1 |
"Andrea Losco"@en | 1 |
"Andrea Manzella"@en | 1 |
"Andrea Raggio"@en | 1 |
"Andrea Zanoni"@en | 1 |
"Andrea Češková"@en | 1 |
"Andreas Mölzer"@en | 1 |
"Andreas Pitsillides"@en | 1 |
"Andreas Schwab"@en | 1 |
"Andrej Plenković"@en | 1 |
"Andrejs Mamikins"@en | 1 |
"Andres Tarand"@en | 1 |
"Andrew Brons"@en | 1 |
"Andrew Duff"@en | 1 |
"Andrew Lewer"@en | 1 |
"Andrew Pearce"@en | 1 |
"Andrey Kovatchev"@en | 1 |
"Andrey Novakov"@en | 1 |
"Andrus Ansip"@en | 1 |
"Andrzej Chronowski"@en | 1 |
"Andrzej Duda"@en | 1 |
"Andrzej Gawłowski"@en | 1 |
"Andrzej Gałażewski"@en | 1 |
"Andrzej Grzyb"@en | 1 |
"Andrzej Lepper"@en | 1 |
"Andrzej Pęczak"@en | 1 |
"Andrzej Szejna"@en | 1 |
"Andrzej Tomasz Zapałowski"@en | 1 |
"Andrzej Wielowieyski"@en | 1 |
"András Gyürk"@en | 1 |
"András Kelemen"@en | 1 |
"André Bord"@en | 1 |
"André Brie"@en | 1 |
"André Damseaux"@en | 1 |
"André Diligent"@en | 1 |
"André Elissen"@en | 1 |
"André Fanton"@en | 1 |
"André Fourçans"@en | 1 |
"André Laignel"@en | 1 |
"André Rossi"@en | 1 |
"André Sainjon"@en | 1 |
"André Soulier"@en | 1 |
"André Turcat"@en | 1 |
"Angel Dzhambazki"@en | 1 |
"Angela Billingham, Baroness Billingham"@en | 1 |
"Angela Rosa Vallina Noval"@en | 1 |
"Angelika Beer"@en | 1 |
"Angelika Mlinar"@en | 1 |
"Angelika Niebler"@en | 1 |
"Angelika Werthmann"@en | 1 |
"Angelo Carossino"@en | 1 |
"Angelo Ciocca"@en | 1 |
"Angelo Narducci"@en | 1 |
"Angélique Delahaye"@en | 1 |
"Anita Pollack"@en | 1 |
"Anja Hazekamp"@en | 1 |
"Anja Weisgerber"@en | 1 |
"Ann Clwyd"@en | 1 |
"Anna Catasta"@en | 1 |
"Anna Fotyga"@en | 1 |
"Anna Hedh"@en | 1 |
"Anna Ibrisagic"@en | 1 |
"Anna Karamanou"@en | 1 |
"Anna Maria Corazza Bildt"@en | 1 |
"Anna Rosbach"@en | 1 |
"Anna Terrón I Cusí"@en | 1 |
"Anna Záborská"@en | 1 |
"Anne André-Léonard"@en | 1 |
"Anne Delvaux"@en | 1 |
"Anne Elisabet Jensen"@en | 1 |
"Anne Ferreira"@en | 1 |
"Anne Laperrouze"@en | 1 |
"Anne McIntosh"@en | 1 |
"Anne Sander"@en | 1 |
"Anne Van Lancker"@en | 1 |
"Anne Vondeling"@en | 1 |
"Anne-Christine Poisson"@en | 1 |
"Anne-Karin Glase"@en | 1 |
"Anne-Marie Dupuy"@en | 1 |
"Anne-Marie Lizin"@en | 1 |
"Anne-Marie Mineur"@en | 1 |
"Anne-Marie Schaffner"@en | 1 |
"Anneleen Van Bossuyt"@en | 1 |
"Anneli Hulthén"@en | 1 |
"Anneli Jäätteenmäki"@en | 1 |
"Anneliese Dodds"@en | 1 |
"Annemarie Kuhn"@en | 1 |
"Annemarie M.C. Goedmakers"@en | 1 |
"Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck"@en | 1 |
"Annette Koewius"@en | 1 |
"Annie Krouwel-Vlam"@en | 1 |
"Annie Schreijer-Pierik"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Bulgarian agenda item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Bulgarian speech item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Bulgarian trans item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Croatian agenda item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Croatian speech item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Croatian trans item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Czech agenda item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Czech speech item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Czech trans item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Danish agenda item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Danish speech item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Danish trans item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Dutch agenda item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Dutch speech item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Dutch trans item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics English agenda item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics English speech item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics English trans item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Estonian agenda item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Estonian speech item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Estonian trans item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Finnish agenda item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Finnish speech item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Finnish trans item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics French agenda item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics French speech item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics French trans item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics German agenda item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics German speech item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics German trans item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Greek agenda item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Greek speech item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Greek trans item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Hungarian agenda item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Hungarian speech item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Hungarian trans item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Italian agenda item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Italian speech item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Italian trans item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Latvian agenda item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Latvian speech item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Latvian trans item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Lithuanian agenda item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Lithuanian speech item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Lithuanian trans item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Maltese agenda item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Maltese speech item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Maltese trans item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Polish agenda item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Polish speech item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Polish trans item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Portuguese agenda item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Portuguese speech item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Portuguese trans item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Romanian agenda item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Romanian speech item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Romanian trans item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Slovak agenda item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Slovak speech item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Slovak trans item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Slovenian agenda item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Slovenian speech item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Slovenian trans item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Spanish agenda item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Spanish speech item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Spanish trans item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Swedish agenda item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Swedish speech item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotating topics Swedish trans item topics"@en | 1 |
"Annotation" | 1 |
"AnnotationProperty" | 1 |
"Anonymes Root"@de | 1 |
"Anorthotiko Komma Ergazomenou Laou - Aristera - Nees Dinameis"@en | 1 |
"Anorthotiko Komma Ergazomenou Laou - Aristera - Nees Dynameis"@en | 1 |
"Anselmo Gouthier"@en | 1 |
"Anselmo Guarraci"@en | 1 |
"Antanas Guoga"@en | 1 |
"Antanas Valys"@en | 1 |
"Anthea McIntyre"@en | 1 |
"Anthony Simpson"@en | 1 |
"Antigoni Papadopoulou"@en | 1 |
"Antoine Duquesne"@en | 1 |
"Antoine Waechter"@en | 1 |
"Antoinette Fouque"@en | 1 |
"Antoinette Spaak"@en | 1 |
"Antolín Sánchez"@en | 1 |
"Antonello Antinoro"@en | 1 |
"Antoni Gutiérrez Díaz"@en | 1 |
"Antoni Macierewicz"@en | 1 |
"Antonia Parvanova"@en | 1 |
"Antonino Buttafuoco"@en | 1 |
"Antonino Tripodi"@en | 1 |
"Antonio Augusto Lacerda De Queiróz"@en | 1 |
"Antonio Cariglia"@en | 1 |
"Antonio De Blasio"@en | 1 |
"Antonio De Poli"@en | 1 |
"Antonio Del Duca"@en | 1 |
"Antonio Di Pietro"@en | 1 |
"Antonio Fantini"@en | 1 |
"Antonio Garcia-Pagan Zamora"@en | 1 |
"Antonio González Triviño"@en | 1 |
"Antonio Graziani"@en | 1 |
"Antonio Iodice"@en | 1 |
"Antonio López-Istúriz White"@en | 1 |
"Antonio Mario La Pergola"@en | 1 |
"Antonio Masip Hidalgo"@en | 1 |
"Antonio Mazzone"@en | 1 |
"Antonio Michele Trizza"@en | 1 |
"Antonio Mussa"@en | 1 |
"Antonio Navarro Velasco"@en | 1 |
Skipped 5,553 rows |
" racer ID"@en | 1 |
"educated at"@en | 1 |
"elFilm person ID"@en | 1 |
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"entity" | 1 |
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" person ID"@en | 1 |
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" ID"@en | 1 |
"hadActivity" | 1 |
"hadGeneration" | 1 |
"hadMember" | 1 |
"hadPlan" | 1 |
"hadPrimarySource" | 1 |
"hadRole" | 1 |
"hadUsage" | 1 |
"has pet"@en | 1 |
"hasKey" | 1 |
"hasSelf" | 1 |
"hasSubsequent" | 1 |
"hasValue" | 1 |
"height"@en | 1 |
"helper"@en | 1 |
"homepage" | 1 |
"homepage"@en | 1 |
"honorific prefix"@en | 1 |
"iTunes artist ID"@en | 1 |
"idioma"@pt | 1 |
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"image of grave"@en | 1 |
"imports" | 1 |
"incompatibleWith" | 1 |
"influenced" | 1 |
"influenced by"@en | 1 |
"influencer" | 1 |
"instance of"@en | 1 |
"institution" | 1 |
"instrument"@en | 1 |
"interest" | 1 |
"interested in"@en | 1 |
"intersectionOf" | 1 |
"invalidated" | 1 |
"invalidatedAtTime" | 1 |
"inverseOf" | 1 |
"is primary topic of" | 1 |
"isDefinedBy" | 1 |
"isDefinedBy"@en | 1 |
"jabber ID" | 1 |
"jeu de données"@fr | 1 |
"jméno"@cs | 1 |
"kategorie"@cs | 1 |
"keyword"@en | 1 |
"knows" | 1 |
"krátký popis"@cs | 1 |
"label" | 1 |
"label"@en | 1 |
"landing page"@en | 1 |
"langage de programmation"@fr | 1 |
"language"@en | 1 |
"languages spoken, written or signed"@en | 1 |
"lastName" | 1 |
"lenguaje de programación"@es | 1 |
"licence"@cs | 1 |
"licence"@fr | 1 |
"licencia"@es | 1 |
"license"@en | 1 |
"licença"@pt | 1 |
"linguagem de programação"@pt | 1 |
"lista de correo"@es | 1 |
"lista de distribuição de e-mail"@pt | 1 |
"liste de diffusion"@fr | 1 |
"localização do respositório"@pt | 1 |
"logo" | 1 |
"lugar del respositorio"@es | 1 |
"made" | 1 |
"mailing list"@en | 1 |
"maintainer"@en | 1 |
"maker" | 1 |
"manner of death"@en | 1 |
"married name"@en | 1 |
"mass"@en | 1 |
"maxCardinality" | 1 |
"maxQualifiedCardinality" | 1 |
"media type"@en | 1 |
"medical condition"@en | 1 |
"member"@en | 1 |
"member of"@en | 1 |
"member of political party"@en | 1 |
"member of sports team"@en | 1 |
"member of the Assembly of Madrid ID"@en | 1 |
"members" | 1 |
"membershipClass" | 1 |
"military branch"@en | 1 |
"military rank"@en | 1 |
"minCardinality" | 1 |
"minQualifiedCardinality" | 1 |
"miroir pour le téléchargement"@fr | 1 |
"mirror de descarga"@es | 1 |
"mirror para download"@pt | 1 |
"modul"@cs | 1 |
"module"@en | 1 |
"module"@fr | 1 |
"month" | 1 |
"mot-clés "@fr | 1 |
"mother"@en | 1 |
"movement"@en | 1 |
"myersBriggs" | 1 |
"módulo"@es | 1 |
"módulo"@pt | 1 |
"name" | 1 |
"name in native language"@en | 1 |
"named as"@en | 1 |
"native language"@en | 1 |
"navegar"@es | 1 |
"navegar"@pt | 1 |
"nickname" | 1 |
"nickname"@en | 1 |
"nil"@en | 1 |
"no party"@en | 1 |
"noble title"@en | 1 |
"nom"@fr | 1 |
"nombre"@es | 1 |
"nome"@pt | 1 |
"nominated for"@en | 1 |
"notable work"@en | 1 |
"number of children"@en | 1 |
"object"@en | 1 |
"occupation"@en | 1 |
"office contested"@en | 1 |
"official Facebook page"@en | 1 |
"official blog"@en | 1 |
"official website"@en | 1 |
"old homepage"@en | 1 |
"onClass" | 1 |
"onDataRange" | 1 |
"onDatatype" | 1 |
"onProperties" | 1 |
"onProperty" | 1 |
"oneOf" | 1 |
"openMLOL author ID"@en | 1 |
"openid" | 1 |
"operating system"@en | 1 |
"operační systém"@cs | 1 |
"page" | 1 |
"page d'atterrissage"@fr | 1 |
"page de téléchargement"@fr | 1 |
"page web"@fr | 1 |
"palabra clave"@es | 1 |
" ID"@en | 1 |
"part of"@en | 1 |
"parteilos"@en | 1 |
"participant of"@en | 1 |
"partner"@en | 1 |
"past project" | 1 |
"penalty"@en | 1 |
"permanent duplicated item"@en | 1 |
"personal mailbox" | 1 |
"phone" | 1 |
"place name sign"@en | 1 |
"place of birth" | 1 |
"place of birth"@en | 1 |
"place of burial"@en | 1 |
"place of death" | 1 |
"place of death"@en | 1 |
"place of detention"@en | 1 |
"plan" | 1 |
"plataforma"@pt | 1 |
"platform"@en | 1 |
"point de contact"@fr | 1 |
"political alignment"@en | 1 |
"political ideology"@en | 1 |
"politicalFunction" | 1 |
"popis"@cs | 1 |
"position held"@en | 1 |
"position played on team / speciality"@en | 1 |
"post hoc cleanup year 1999 (add missing event structures, lang tags, dedup texts)"@en | 1 |
"post hoc cleanup year 2000 (add missing event structures, lang tags, dedup texts)"@en | 1 |
"post hoc cleanup year 2001 (add missing event structures, lang tags, dedup texts)"@en | 1 |
"post hoc cleanup year 2002 (add missing event structures, lang tags, dedup texts)"@en | 1 |
"post hoc cleanup year 2003 (add missing event structures, lang tags, dedup texts)"@en | 1 |
"post hoc cleanup year 2004 (add missing event structures, lang tags, dedup texts)"@en | 1 |
"post hoc cleanup year 2005 (add missing event structures, lang tags, dedup texts)"@en | 1 |
"post hoc cleanup year 2006 (add missing event structures, lang tags, dedup texts)"@en | 1 |
"post hoc cleanup year 2007 (add missing event structures, lang tags, dedup texts)"@en | 1 |
"post hoc cleanup year 2008 (add missing event structures, lang tags, dedup texts)"@en | 1 |
"post hoc cleanup year 2009 (add missing event structures, lang tags, dedup texts)"@en | 1 |
"post hoc cleanup year 2010 (add missing event structures, lang tags, dedup texts)"@en | 1 |
"post hoc cleanup year 2011 (add missing event structures, lang tags, dedup texts)"@en | 1 |
"post hoc cleanup year 2012 (add missing event structures, lang tags, dedup texts)"@en | 1 |
"post hoc cleanup year 2013 (add missing event structures, lang tags, dedup texts)"@en | 1 |
"post hoc cleanup year 2014 (add missing event structures, lang tags, dedup texts)"@en | 1 |
"post hoc cleanup year 2015 (add missing event structures, lang tags, dedup texts)"@en | 1 |
"post hoc cleanup year 2016 (add missing event structures, lang tags, dedup texts)"@en | 1 |
"post hoc cleanup year 2017 (add missing event structures, lang tags, dedup texts)"@en | 1 |
"predicate"@en | 1 |
"primary topic" | 1 |
"priorVersion" | 1 |
"programador"@pt | 1 |
"programador principal"@pt | 1 |
"programming language"@en | 1 |
"programovací jazyk"@cs | 1 |
"prohlížeč"@cs | 1 |
"pronunciation audio"@en | 1 |
"propertyChainAxiom" | 1 |
"propertyDisjointWith" | 1 |
"pseudonym"@en | 1 |
"publications" | 1 |
"publicação"@pt | 1 |
"publicação do ficheiro"@pt | 1 |
"punto de contacto"@es | 1 |
"página de aterrizaje"@es | 1 |
"página de descarga"@es | 1 |
"página para download"@pt | 1 |
"página web"@es | 1 |
"página web"@pt | 1 |
"página web antiga"@pt | 1 |
"página web antigua"@es | 1 |
"překladatel"@cs | 1 |
"qualifiedAssociation" | 1 |
"qualifiedAttribution" | 1 |
"qualifiedCardinality" | 1 |
"qualifiedCommunication" | 1 |
"qualifiedDelegation" | 1 |
"qualifiedDerivation" | 1 |
"qualifiedEnd" | 1 |
"qualifiedGeneration" | 1 |
"qualifiedInfluence" | 1 |
"qualifiedInvalidation" | 1 |
"qualifiedPrimarySource" | 1 |
"qualifiedQuotation" | 1 |
"qualifiedRevision" | 1 |
"qualifiedStart" | 1 |
"qualifiedUsage" | 1 |
"racine anonyme"@fr | 1 |
"range" | 1 |
"range"@en | 1 |
"raíz anónima"@es | 1 |
"raíz anónima"@pt | 1 |
"record"@en | 1 |
"record held"@en | 1 |
"record label"@en | 1 |
"registre"@fr | 1 |
"registro"@es | 1 |
"relative"@en | 1 |
"release"@cs | 1 |
"release"@en | 1 |
"release"@es | 1 |
"release"@fr | 1 |
"religion"@en | 1 |
"repositorio"@es | 1 |
"repository"@en | 1 |
"repository location"@en | 1 |
"repository of"@en | 1 |
"repositório"@pt | 1 |
"residence"@en | 1 |
"rest"@en | 1 |
"revision"@en | 1 |
"revisão"@pt | 1 |
"role" | 1 |
"rédacteur de l'aide"@fr | 1 |
"révision"@fr | 1 |
"sameAs" | 1 |
"sans étiquette"@en | 1 |
"schoolHomepage" | 1 |
"screenshots"@en | 1 |
"second family name in Spanish name"@en | 1 |
"security contact"@en | 1 |
"security policy"@en | 1 |
"seeAlso" | 1 |
"seeAlso"@en | 1 |
"sem partido"@en | 1 |
" ID"@en | 1 |
"service endpoint"@en | 1 |
"sex or gender"@en | 1 |
"sexual orientation"@en | 1 |
"sha1sum (hex)" | 1 |
"sha1sum of a personal mailbox URI name" | 1 |
"shooting handedness"@en | 1 |
"short description"@en | 1 |
"short name"@en | 1 |
"sibling"@en | 1 |
"signature"@en | 1 |
"significant event"@en | 1 |
"sistema operativo"@es | 1 |
"sistema operativo"@pt | 1 |
"size (Deprecated)" | 1 |
"size in bytes (Deprecated)" | 1 |
"snímek obrazovky"@cs | 1 |
"someValuesFrom" | 1 |
"soubor revize"@cs | 1 |
"sourceIndividual" | 1 |
"speach/agenda item number" | 1 |
"speaker" | 1 |
"specializationOf" | 1 |
"spoken text" | 1 |
"spokenAs" | 1 |
"spoluautor"@cs | 1 |
"sport"@en | 1 |
"sports discipline competed in"@en | 1 |
"spouse"@en | 1 |
"správce"@cs | 1 |
"startedAtTime" | 1 |
"stará domovská stránka"@cs | 1 |
"status" | 1 |
"stránka pro stažení"@cs | 1 |
"student of"@en | 1 |
"subClassOf" | 1 |
"subClassOf"@en | 1 |
"subPropertyOf" | 1 |
"subPropertyOf"@en | 1 |
"subject"@en | 1 |
"suivi des bugs"@fr | 1 |
"supporting forum"@en | 1 |
"swi-prolog (7.7.11-12-ge2ff437ce)" | 1 |
"swi-prolog (70712)"^^xsd:string | 1 |
"système d'exploitation"@fr | 1 |
"taille en octects"@fr | 1 |
"tamaño en bytes"@es | 1 |
"targetIndividual" | 1 |
"targetValue" | 1 |
"taxonomie de thèmes"@fr | 1 |
"taxonomía de temas"@es | 1 |
"tema"@es | 1 |
"tester"@cs | 1 |
"tester"@en | 1 |
"tester"@es | 1 |
"testeur"@fr | 1 |
"text" | 1 |
"textURI" | 1 |
"theme" | 1 |
"theme"@en | 1 |
"theme taxonomy"@en | 1 |
"thumbnail" | 1 |
"thème"@fr | 1 |
"time in space"@en | 1 |
"tipjar" | 1 |
"tipo de media"@es | 1 |
"title of chess player"@en | 1 |
"toe_xmlrdf (3b36fc6-DIRTY)" | 1 |
"topDataProperty" | 1 |
"topObjectProperty" | 1 |
"topic" | 1 |
"topic's main category"@en | 1 |
"topic_interest" | 1 |
"traducteur"@fr | 1 |
"traductor"@es | 1 |
"tradutor"@pt | 1 |
"translated text" | 1 |
"translator"@en | 1 |
"type"@en | 1 |
"type de média"@fr | 1 |
"umístění úložiště"@cs | 1 |
"unionOf" | 1 |
"used" | 1 |
"value" | 1 |
"value"@en | 1 |
"vehicle normally used"@en | 1 |
"vendor"@en | 1 |
"versionIRI" | 1 |
"versionInfo" | 1 |
"versión"@es | 1 |
"verze"@cs | 1 |
"video"@en | 1 |
"videoURI" | 1 |
"visualiser"@fr | 1 |
"voice type"@en | 1 |
"vytvořeno"@cs | 1 |
"vývojář"@cs | 1 |
" ID"@en | 1 |
"wasAssociatedWith" | 1 |
"wasAttributedTo" | 1 |
"wasDerivedFrom" | 1 |
"wasEndedBy" | 1 |
"wasGeneratedBy" | 1 |
"wasInfluencedBy" | 1 |
"wasInformedBy" | 1 |
"wasInvalidatedBy" | 1 |
"wasQuotedFrom" | 1 |
"wasRevisionOf" | 1 |
"wasStartedBy" | 1 |
"weblog" | 1 |
"website account on"@en | 1 |
"wiki"@cs | 1 |
"wiki"@en | 1 |
"wiki"@es | 1 |
"wiki"@fr | 1 |
"wiki"@pt | 1 |
"withRestrictions" | 1 |
"work info homepage" | 1 |
"work location"@en | 1 |
"work period (start)"@en | 1 |
"workplace homepage" | 1 |
"year" | 1 |
"zrcadlo stránky pro stažení"@cs | 1 |
"Ádám Kósa"@en | 1 |
"Ágnes Hankiss"@en | 1 |
"Ágnes Vadai"@en | 1 |
"Ángela Sierra"@en | 1 |
"Ánni Podimatá"@en | 1 |
"Árpád Duka-Zólyomi"@en | 1 |
"Åsa Westlund"@en | 1 |
"Édith Cresson"@en | 1 |
"Édouard Ferrand"@en | 1 |
"Édouard Martin"@en | 1 |
"Élie Hoarau"@en | 1 |
"Élisabeth Guigou"@en | 1 |
"Élisabeth Morin"@en | 1 |
"Élizabeth Montfort"@en | 1 |
"Éric Andrieu"@en | 1 |
"Éric Pinel"@en | 1 |
"Íñigo Méndez de Vigo"@en | 1 |
"Österreichische Volkspartei"@en | 1 |
"Österreichische Volkspartei - Liste Ursula Stenzel"@en | 1 |
"Úložiště"@cs | 1 |
"Úložiště BitKeeper"@cs | 1 |
"Úložiště CVS"@cs | 1 |
"Úložiště GNU Arch"@cs | 1 |
"Úložiště Git"@cs | 1 |
"Úložiště Subversion"@cs | 1 |
"Übersetzer"@de | 1 |
"úložiště"@cs | 1 |
"ČOV athlete ID"@en | 1 |
"ČSFD person ID"@en | 1 |
"Česká strana sociálně demokratická"@en | 1 |
"Ģirts Valdis Kristovskis"@en | 1 |
"Ľudová strana - Hnutie za demokratické Slovensko"@en | 1 |
"Ľudová únia"@en | 1 |
"Šarūnas Birutis"@en | 1 |
"Željana Zovko"@en | 1 |
"Διανομή"@el | 1 |
"Θέμα"@el | 1 |
"Κατάλογος"@el | 1 |
"Καταγραφή καταλόγου"@el | 1 |
"Σύνολο Δεδομένων"@el | 1 |
"Ταξινομία θεματικών κατηγοριών."@el | 1 |
"Το λεξιλόγιο των καταλόγων δεδομένων"@el | 1 |
"διανομή"@el | 1 |
"ιστοσελίδα αρχικής πρόσβασης"@el | 1 |
"καταγραφή"@el | 1 |
"λέξη-κλειδί"@el | 1 |
"μέγεθος σε bytes"@el | 1 |
"σημείο επικοινωνίας"@el | 1 |
"σύνολο δεδομένων"@el | 1 |
"τύπος μέσου"@el | 1 |
"أنطولوجية فهارس قوائم البيانات"@ar | 1 |
"التصنيف"@ar | 1 |
"التوزيع"@ar | 1 |
"الحجم بالبايت"@ar | 1 |
"توزيع"@ar | 1 |
"رابط تحميل"@ar | 1 |
"رابط وصول"@ar | 1 |
"صفحة وصول"@ar | 1 |
"عنوان اتصال"@ar | 1 |
"فهرس قوائم البيانات"@ar | 1 |
"قائمة التصنيفات"@ar | 1 |
"كلمة مفتاحية "@ar | 1 |
"نوع الميديا"@ar | 1 |
"アクセスURL"@ja | 1 |
"カタログ"@ja | 1 |
"キーワード/タグ"@ja | 1 |
"ダウンロードURL"@ja | 1 |
"テーマ"@ja | 1 |
"テーマ/カテゴリー"@ja | 1 |
"データセット配信"@ja | 1 |
"データ・カタログ語彙(DCAT)"@ja | 1 |
"バイト・サイズ"@ja | 1 |
"メディア・タイプ"@ja | 1 |
"ランディング・ページ"@ja | 1 |
"窓口"@ja | 1 |
"配信"@ja | 1 |