Copy all clauses of predicate From to To. The
To must be dynamic or undefined. If To is
undefined, it is created as a dynamic predicate holding a copy of the
clauses of
From. If To is a dynamic predicate, the clauses of
From are added (as in assertz/1)
to the clauses of To.
To and From must have the same arity. Acts as if
defined by the program below, but at a much better performance by
avoiding decompilation and compilation.
copy_predicate_clauses(From, To) :-
head(From, MF:FromHead),
head(To, MT:ToHead),
FromHead =.. [_|Args],
ToHead =.. [_|Args],
forall(clause(MF:FromHead, Body),
assertz(MT:ToHead, Body)).
head(From, M:Head) :-
strip_module(From, M, Name/Arity),
functor(Head, Name, Arity).