-- Extract parameters (GET and POST) from HTTP requests
Most code doesn't need to use this directly; instead use library(http/http_server), which combines this library with the typical HTTP libraries that most servers need.
This module is used to extract the value of GET or POST parameters from an HTTP request. The typical usage is e.g.,
:- http_handler('/register_user', register_user, []). register_user(Request) :- http_parameters(Request, [ name(Name, []), sex(Sex, [oneof([male,female])]), birth_year(BY, [between(1850,10000)]) ]), register_user(Name, Sex, BY), html_reply_page(title('New user added'), ...).
- http_parameters(+Request, ?Parms) is det
- http_parameters(+Request, ?Parms, :Options) is det
- Get HTTP GET or POST form-data, applying type validation,
default values, etc. Provided options are:
- attribute_declarations(:Goal)
- Causes the declarations for an attributed named A to be
fetched using
call(Goal, A, Declarations)
. - form_data(-Data)
- Return the data read from the GET por POST request as a list Name = Value. All data, including name/value pairs used for Parms, is unified with Data.
The attribute_declarations hook allows sharing the declaration of attribute-properties between many http_parameters/3 calls. In this form, the requested attribute takes only one argument and the options are acquired by calling the hook. For example:
..., http_parameters(Request, [ sex(Sex) ], [ attribute_declarations(http_param) ]), ... http_param(sex, [ oneof(male, female), description('Sex of the person') ]).
- posted_form(+Request, -Data) is det[private]
- True when Data is list of Name=Value pairs representing the posted data.
- fill_parameters(+ParamDecls, +FormData, +DeclGoal)[private]
- Fill values from the parameter list
- http_convert_parameters(+Data, ?Params) is det
- http_convert_parameters(+Data, ?Params, :AttrDecl) is det
- Implements the parameter translation of http_parameters/2 or
http_parameters/3. I.e., http_parameters/2 for a POST request
can be implemented as:
http_parameters(Request, Params) :- http_read_data(Request, Data, []), http_convert_parameters(Data, Params).
- http_convert_parameter(+Options, +FieldName, +ValueIn, -ValueOut) is det
- Conversion of an HTTP form value. First tries the multifile hook http:convert_parameter/3 and next the built-in checks.
- check_type3(+Type, +ValueIn, -ValueOut) is semidet[private]
- HTTP parameter type-check for types that need converting.
- check_type2(+Type, +ValueIn) is semidet[private]
- HTTP parameter type-check for types that need no conversion.
- truth(+In, -Boolean) is semidet[private]
- Translate some commonly used textual representations for true and false into their canonical representation.
Undocumented predicates
The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.