Table for the 63 triples with object <> sorted by label

?:Alexandra Dobolyi?:country of citizenship
?:Andor Deli?:country of citizenship
?:Andrea Bocskor?:country of citizenship
?:András Gyürk?:country of citizenship
?:Antonio De Blasio?:country of citizenship
?:Attila Gruber?:country of citizenship
?:Balázs Hidvéghi?:country of citizenship
?:Benedek Jávor?:country of citizenship
?:Béla Glattfelder?:country of citizenship
?:Béla Kovács?:country of citizenship
?:Csaba Molnár?:country of citizenship
?:Csaba Tabajdi?:country of citizenship
?:Csaba Őry?:country of citizenship
?:Csanád Szegedi?:country of citizenship
?:Csanád Szegedi?:residence
?:Edit Herczog?:country of citizenship
?:Enikő Győri?:country of citizenship
?:Erik Bánki?:country of citizenship
?:Etelka Barsi-Pataky?:country of citizenship
?:Gyula Hegyi?:country of citizenship
?:Gyula Vári?:country of citizenship
?:György Hölvényi?:country of citizenship
?:György Schöpflin?:country of citizenship
?:Gábor Demszky?:country of citizenship
?:Gábor Harangozó?:country of citizenship
?:Ildikó Pelczné Gáll?:country of citizenship
?:István Balsai?:country of citizenship
?:István Pálfi?:country of citizenship
?:István Szent-Iványi?:country of citizenship
?:István Ujhelyi?:country of citizenship
?:Jenő Manninger?:country of citizenship
?:János Áder?:country of citizenship
?:József Szájer?:country of citizenship
?:József Ékes?:country of citizenship
?:Katalin Lévai?:country of citizenship
?:Kinga Gál?:country of citizenship
?:Kinga Göncz?:country of citizenship
?:Krisztina Morvai?:country of citizenship
?:Lajos Bokros?:country of citizenship
?:László Surján?:country of citizenship
?:Lívia Járóka?:country of citizenship
?:Magda Kósáné Kovács?:country of citizenship
?:Mihály Balla?:country of citizenship
?:Mátyás Eörsi?:country of citizenship
?:Norbert Erdős?:country of citizenship
?:Otto von Habsburg?:country of citizenship
?:Pál Schmitt?:country of citizenship
?:Pál Vastagh?:country of citizenship
?:Péter Niedermüller?:country of citizenship
?:Péter Olajos?:country of citizenship
?:Szabolcs Fazakas?:country of citizenship
?:Tamás Deutsch?:country of citizenship
?:Tamás Meszerics?:country of citizenship
?:Tibor Szanyi?:country of citizenship
?:Viktória Mohácsi?:country of citizenship
?:Zita Gurmai?:country of citizenship
?:Zoltán Bagó?:country of citizenship
?:Zoltán Balczó?:country of citizenship
?:Zsolt Becsey?:country of citizenship
?:Zsolt Németh?:country of citizenship
?:Ádám Kósa?:country of citizenship
?:Ágnes Hankiss?:country of citizenship
?:Árpád Duka-Zólyomi?:country of citizenship