Table for the 6 triples with object lp_eu:2013-12-12_AgendaItem_22 sorted by label

lp_eu:2013-12-12-Speech-4-139-000dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:2013-12-12-Speech-4-140-000dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:2013-12-12-Speech-4-141-000dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:2013-12-12-Speech-4-142-000dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:2013-12-12_SessionDaydcterms:Has Part
lp_eu:Amending certain Directives in the fields of environment, agriculture, social policy and public health by reason of the change of status of Mayotte (A7-0399/2013 - Matthias Groote) (vote)lpv:hasSubsequent