Table for the 6 triples with object lp_eu:2012-04-19_AgendaItem_11 sorted by label

lp_eu:2012-04-19-Speech-4-146-000dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:2012-04-19-Speech-4-147-000dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:2012-04-19-Speech-4-148-000dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:2012-04-19-Speech-4-149-000dcterms:Is Part Of
lp_eu:2012-04-19_SessionDaydcterms:Has Part
lp_eu:Opinion from the Court of Justice on the compatibility with the Treaties of the Agreement between the United States of America and the European Union on the use and transfer of Passenger Name Records to the United States Department of Homeland Security (B7-0200/2012 ) (vote)lpv:hasSubsequent