Table for the 3,257 triples with object "1994-07-18"^^xsd:date sorted by label

substitute; Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Relations with Regional and Local Authorities (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and Immunities (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament (1992-01-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Energy, Research and Technology (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Parti socialiste (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute_observer; Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; LDR (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and Immunities (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Women's Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; BUDG (1992-06-12--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Cyprus Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Community (ACP-EEC) (1994-01-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Japan (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partido Comunista Português (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and Immunities (1993-01-29--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of South Asia and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Energy, Research and Technology (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with Japan (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Institutional Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
observer; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with Japan (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with Japan (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Delegation for relations with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; BUDG (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Union pour la démocratie française (1993-04-16--1994-07-18)lpv:end
ally; EPP (1993-04-18--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; ECON (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Parti socialiste (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; LDR (1992-03-24--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1993-12-18--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; sans étiquette (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Energy, Research and Technology (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; apparenté Parti socialiste (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the Member States of ASEAN and the ASEAN Interparliamentary Organisation (AIPO) and the Republic of Korea (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partido Popular (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Community (ACP-EEC) (1993-09-17--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; G (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of South America (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the countries of South Asia and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America and Mexico (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; ECON (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Malta Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of South Asia and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Sweden Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; BUDG (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Agrupación de Electores José María Ruiz-Mateos (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America and Mexico (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Relations with Regional and Local Authorities (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Sweden Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Conservative and Unionist Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-president; European Parliament (1992-01-14--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of South Asia and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; LDR (1991-01-30--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with Canada (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Labour Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs (1992-01-27--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs (1992-12-14--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; parteilos (1991-02-18--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Parti ouvrier socialiste luxembourgeois (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Cyprus Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partito democratico della sinistra (1991-01-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; PETI (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; BUDG (1992-10-29--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Nea Dimokratia (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; G (1989-10-26--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partito democratico della sinistra (1991-01-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-07-14--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Delegation for relations with Albania, Bulgaria and Romania (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; EPP (1992-05-14--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Malta Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Les Verts-Europe-Ecologie (1991-12-20--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the Republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Women's Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Christelijke Volkspartij (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1992-05-14--1994-07-18)lpv:end
chair; Delegation to the EU-Sweden Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1992-09-07--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
observer; Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-president; Parliament's Bureau (1992-01-14--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Community (ACP-EEC) (1993-09-17--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; ECON (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PETI (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partido Social Democrata (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
chair; Delegation to the EU-Cyprus Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; DROI (1992-01-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament (1992-01-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs (1994-01-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Finland Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Japan (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Member States of ASEAN and the ASEAN Interparliamentary Organisation (AIPO) and the Republic of Korea (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Freie Demokratische Partei (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; ECON (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Labour Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; BUDG (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Movimento sociale italiano - Destra nazionale (1992-05-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Japan (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Institutional Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PETI (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament (1992-01-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute_observer; Committee on Women's Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament (1992-01-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Norway Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; ECON (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Relations with Regional and Local Authorities (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Delegation for relations with Canada (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Hungary Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Energy, Research and Technology (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Delegation to the EU-Sweden Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Institutional Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and Immunities (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Japan (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Vlaams Blok (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; EPP (1992-05-14--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Malta Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; CONT (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partito democratico della sinistra (1991-01-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; NA (1992-12-17--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; RBW (1993-07-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-president; Parliament's Bureau (1992-01-14--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Subcommittee on Fisheries (1992-01-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Malta Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Women's Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; DR (1993-06-02--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; LDR (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America and Mexico (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Institutional Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-president; European Parliament (1992-01-14--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; TRAN (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the Member States of ASEAN and the ASEAN Interparliamentary Organisation (AIPO) and the Republic of Korea (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights (1992-12-18--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Relations with Regional and Local Authorities (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; BUDG (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Community (ACP-EEC) (1993-09-17--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Parti communiste français (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Subcommittee on Fisheries (1992-05-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; EPP (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Institutional Affairs (1992-10-07--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Panellinio Socialistiko Kinima (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; ECON (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; TRAN (1993-07-12--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; NA (1994-02-23--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Community (ACP-EEC) (1993-09-17--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partido Socialista Obrero Español (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Development and Cooperation (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Community (ACP-EEC) (1993-09-17--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Social Democratic and Labour Party (Northern Ireland) (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Labour Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partido Socialista Obrero Español (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Verts "Europe des peuples - Per un avvene corsu - Avenir corse" (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with Israel (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Hungary Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; LU (1990-10-22--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Institutional Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Socialdemokratiet (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Energy, Research and Technology (1993-12-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on External Economic Relations (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PETI (1994-01-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament (1992-01-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America and Mexico (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of South America (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; DROI (1992-01-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
chair; Delegation to the EU-Norway Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Committee on Institutional Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America and Mexico (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PETI (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Republics of former Yugoslavia (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament (1993-01-06--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Parti socialiste (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Relations with Regional and Local Authorities (1992-02-11--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; DROI (1992-01-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Development and Cooperation (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Labour Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Labour Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; CONT (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; ECON (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Conservative and Unionist Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Community (ACP-EEC) (1993-09-17--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the countries of South America (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; EPP (1992-01-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partij van de Arbeid (1989-11-16--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; EPP (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; EPP (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with Canada (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Albania, Bulgaria and Romania (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Parti socialiste (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; ECON (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partido Socialista Obrero Español (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Development and Cooperation (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of South America (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Subcommittee on Monetary Affairs (1994-03-07--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Christen Democratisch Appèl (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Subcommittee on Monetary Affairs (1992-04-27--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and Immunities (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Delegation for relations with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Conservative and Unionist Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the United States (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of South Asia and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Israel (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament (1992-01-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and Immunities (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the countries of South America (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Subcommittee on Fisheries (1992-01-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; DR (1993-06-02--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Energy, Research and Technology (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; BUDG (1993-07-16--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; EPP (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
observer; EPP (1991-03-11--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Union des Indépendants (1991-12-12--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; LDR (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Institutional Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern e.V. (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Poland Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with Albania, Bulgaria and Romania (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Hungary Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; EPP (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Bündnis 90/die Grünen (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with Japan (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; G (1993-04-26--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the countries of South Asia and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America and Mexico (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
chair; Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Hungary Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Japan (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Development and Cooperation (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Development and Cooperation (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Subcommittee on Monetary Affairs (1992-04-27--1994-07-18)lpv:end
chair; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-president; Parliament's Bureau (1992-01-14--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Subcommittee on Monetary Affairs (1992-04-27--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Community (ACP-EEC) (1993-09-17--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; TRAN (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Cyprus Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Delegation for relations with Israel (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America and Mexico (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Member States of ASEAN and the ASEAN Interparliamentary Organisation (AIPO) and the Republic of Korea (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Poland Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Les Verts-Europe-Ecologie (1991-12-11--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Conservative and Unionist Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Conservative and Unionist Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Institutional Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; TRAN (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partito democratico della sinistra (1991-01-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of South America (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Delegation to the EU-Sweden Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Relations with Regional and Local Authorities (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security (1993-09-06--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Relations with Regional and Local Authorities (1993-04-20--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partito democratico della sinistra (1991-01-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Relations with Regional and Local Authorities (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; PETI (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; PETI (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the Republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-president; European Parliament (1993-10-26--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; RBW (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Gulf States (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament (1992-01-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Energy, Research and Technology (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Poland Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Independent (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Conservative and Unionist Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Labour Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Christen Democratisch Appèl (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; GroenLinks (1992-10-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Poland Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; BUDG (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; BUDG (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Labour Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Norway Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
chair; Delegation for relations with the United States (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and Immunities (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Poland Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Hungary Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Centrum-Demokraterne (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partito democratico della sinistra (1991-01-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
chair; Delegation for relations with Canada (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; EPP (1993-02-04--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America and Mexico (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on External Economic Relations (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Malta Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Development and Cooperation (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1992-01-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Cyprus Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; EPP (1992-01-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the United States (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EDA (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Parti radical (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Parti socialiste (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; G (1991-12-20--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and Immunities (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1992-05-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Institutional Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PETI (1993-09-13--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Union pour la démocratie française (1993-06-18--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; CONT (1994-01-06--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament (1992-01-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Subcommittee on Fisheries (1992-05-04--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1992-04-06--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights (1992-12-09--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partito socialista italiano (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Fianna Fáil Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Finland Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Independent (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Subcommittee on Fisheries (1992-01-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Centro Democràtico y Social (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Women's Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the countries of South America (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
observer; EPP (1991-03-11--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Energy, Research and Technology (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; EPP (1993-07-14--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Institutional Affairs (1994-02-11--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Women's Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Labour Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
chair; Delegation for relations with Iceland (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
chair; PETI (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-president; Parliament's Bureau (1992-01-14--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1992-12-14--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Christen Democratisch Appèl (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Albania, Bulgaria and Romania (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-president; Parliament's Bureau (1992-01-14--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Panellinio Socialistiko Kinima (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Panellinio Socialistiko Kinima (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Women's Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Institutional Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; ECON (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; EPP (1992-02-12--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on External Economic Relations (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Subcommittee on Monetary Affairs (1992-04-27--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Sweden Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Labour Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; CONT (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs (1992-09-18--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Energy, Research and Technology (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Front national (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the United States (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PETI (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PETI (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Women's Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with Canada (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Subcommittee on Monetary Affairs (1993-06-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Energy, Research and Technology (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; PETI (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Relations with Regional and Local Authorities (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1992-01-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament (1992-01-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Republics of former Yugoslavia (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs (1992-02-13--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs (1992-02-13--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
Skipped 2,257 rows
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; BUDG (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Subcommittee on Monetary Affairs (1992-04-27--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; BUDG (1992-12-10--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Panellinio Socialistiko Kinima (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; TRAN (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Relations with Regional and Local Authorities (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Subcommittee on Fisheries (1992-01-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Subcommittee on Fisheries (1992-01-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Verdi Europa (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Albania, Bulgaria and Romania (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Austria Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Austria Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on External Economic Relations (1994-01-20--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with Israel (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Canada (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Relations with Regional and Local Authorities (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1990-06-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of South America (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; CONT (1992-10-06--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Sweden Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; De Groenen (1994-04-30--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Sweden Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; NA (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Rassemblement pour la République (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Subcommittee on Monetary Affairs (1992-04-27--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Relations with Regional and Local Authorities (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1992-05-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the Mashreq countries (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern e.V. (1993-11-16--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Labour Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; PETI (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Cyprus Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; LDR (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Coligação Democrática Unitária: Partido Comunista Português (PCP) (1993-10-27--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Relations with Regional and Local Authorities (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Women's Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Labour Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Energy, Research and Technology (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1991-04-23--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; BUDG (1994-01-19--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; TRAN (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; ECON (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Delegation for relations with Iceland (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Les Verts-Europe-Ecologie (1991-12-11--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Norway Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; ECON (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Development and Cooperation (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; ECON (1992-01-30--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Austria Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Development and Cooperation (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partito socialista democratico italiano (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Parti socialiste (1991-12-17--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Subcommittee on Fisheries (1992-01-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; PETI (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; BUDG (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; BUDG (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partido Socialista (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
chair; Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights (1993-06-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Delegation to the EU-Finland Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with Japan (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; NA (1992-05-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Cyprus Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; ECON (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Fianna Fáil Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Switzerland (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Hungary Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; parteilos (1991-04-24--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Malta Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; LDR (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; ECON (1994-03-16--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; BUDG (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Institutional Affairs (1993-04-23--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Austria Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-03-07--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; EPP (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Cyprus Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the United States (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; CONT (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Synaspismos tis Aristeras kai tis Proodou (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; PES (1994-03-03--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Finland Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Parti socialiste (1992-04-03--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; TRAN (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Quaestors (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Energy, Research and Technology (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Norway Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Gulf States (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Mouvement des Radicaux de Gauche (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Community (ACP-EEC) (1993-09-17--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; CONT (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; CONT (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Mashreq countries (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; G (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Parti républicain (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the Gulf States (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Hungary Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partito democratico della sinistra (1991-01-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
chair; LDR (1992-01-27--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Poland Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Coalición por la Europa de los Pueblos: Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) (1991-03-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the Republics of former Yugoslavia (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Development and Cooperation (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media (1992-12-18--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security (1992-02-18--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Labour Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Norway Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Community (ACP-EEC) (1993-09-17--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Development and Cooperation (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Community (ACP-EEC) (1993-09-17--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1992-02-11--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Hungary Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-president; European Parliament (1992-01-14--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Development and Cooperation (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partido Popular (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; EPP (1993-07-14--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and Immunities (1992-02-13--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Poland Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
quaestor; European Parliament (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Nea Dimokratia (1990-04-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; TRAN (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
treasurer; G (1993-04-26--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; ECON (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America and Mexico (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; PETI (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Delegation for relations with the countries of South Asia and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; G (1991-12-11--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Rassemblement pour la République (1993-03-31--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Rassemblement pour la République (1993-03-31--1994-07-18)lpv:end
chair; Delegation for relations with Switzerland (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; EDA (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partito socialista italiano (1992-05-13--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; NA (1993-01-12--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Energy, Research and Technology (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; LDR (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Community (ACP-EEC) (1993-09-17--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1992-05-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Republics of former Yugoslavia (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America and Mexico (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Fianna Fáil Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Christen Democratisch Appèl (1989-11-16--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; TRAN (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Democrazia cristiana (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Israel (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Development and Cooperation (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Japan (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
observer; Committee on Development and Cooperation (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Austria Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
observer; Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; DR (1993-06-02--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Development and Cooperation (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Norway Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1993-07-13--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1993-12-27--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Community (ACP-EEC) (1993-09-17--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament (1992-01-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; LDR (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; BUDG (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; CONT (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the countries of South America (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Conservative and Unionist Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partito democratico della sinistra (1991-01-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Centre des démocrates sociaux (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; ECON (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1993-06-30--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America and Mexico (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security (1993-09-17--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and Immunities (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and Immunities (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Community (ACP-EEC) (1993-09-17--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; ECON (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partido Socialista Obrero Español (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament (1992-01-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Community (ACP-EEC) (1993-09-17--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Gulf States (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; TRAN (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; EPP (1992-02-12--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partido Socialista Obrero Español (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; LU (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on External Economic Relations (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Relations with Regional and Local Authorities (1993-09-13--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment (1994-01-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security (1992-12-14--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security (1993-05-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Fianna Fáil Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Hungary Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; EPP (1994-01-19--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Community (ACP-EEC) (1993-09-17--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partido Popular (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of South America (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partito socialista italiano (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Canada (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Lega lombarda (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Development and Cooperation (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Union pour la démocratie française (1993-03-31--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; EPP (1992-01-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
observer; TRAN (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1993-05-27--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on External Economic Relations (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; EDA (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PETI (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Women's Rights (1992-01-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; CONT (1992-12-10--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; CONT (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with Switzerland (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Poland Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of South America (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Institutional Affairs (1992-12-10--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Norway Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; EPP (1992-01-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Community (ACP-EEC) (1993-09-17--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on External Economic Relations (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; ECON (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partido Socialista Obrero Español (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Japan (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Women's Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Democrazia cristiana (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Parti socialiste (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament (1992-01-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Les Verts-Europe-Ecologie (1991-12-11--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Sweden Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Rassemblement pour la République (1989-10-16--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; EPP (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America and Mexico (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Committee on Energy, Research and Technology (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Panellinio Socialistiko Kinima (1993-10-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Committee on Institutional Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Conservative and Unionist Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; EPP (1992-01-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Conservative and Unionist Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1994-05-19--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America and Mexico (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; apparenté Parti socialiste (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; TRAN (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Poland Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America and Mexico (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; BUDG (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; CONT (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; LDR (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Community (ACP-EEC) (1993-09-17--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; TRAN (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partido Social Democrata (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; RBW (1991-03-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; BUDG (1992-01-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Delegation for relations with the Republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partido Renovador Democratico (1991-02-18--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Women's Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
chair; Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1992-05-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Community (ACP-EEC) (1993-09-17--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; DROI (1992-01-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partito democratico della sinistra (1991-01-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Community (ACP-EEC) (1993-09-17--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with Canada (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Hungary Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-11-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; ECON (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
chair; Delegation to the EU-Malta Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs (1993-02-12--1994-07-18)lpv:end
chair; Delegation for relations with the Republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Community (ACP-EEC) (1993-09-17--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Israel (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment (1993-10-13--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; LDR (1993-10-05--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-president; European Parliament (1992-01-14--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Subcommittee on Fisheries (1992-01-28--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Poland Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Member States of ASEAN and the ASEAN Interparliamentary Organisation (AIPO) and the Republic of Korea (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and Relations with Regional and Local Authorities (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with Japan (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
observer; Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Democrazia cristiana (1992-09-07--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Development and Cooperation (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Member States of ASEAN and the ASEAN Interparliamentary Organisation (AIPO) and the Republic of Korea (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
chair; Delegation for relations with the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with Israel (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; ECON (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with Japan (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Development and Cooperation (1993-06-03--1994-07-18)lpv:end
chair; RBW (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Women's Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Delegation for relations with Israel (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Community (ACP-EEC) (1993-09-17--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; LU (1993-10-27--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Christelijke Volkspartij (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the Mashreq countries (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
chair; DR (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Sweden Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the United States (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on External Economic Relations (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; BUDG (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Panellinio Socialistiko Kinima (1993-11-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
quaestor; European Parliament (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
chair; EDA (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; BUDG (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Development and Cooperation (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Delegation for relations with the countries of South America (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Folkebevægelsen mod EF (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Izquierda Unida (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
chair; Committee on Women's Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Rassemblement pour la République (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; NA (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Women's Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; NA (1994-01-31--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the Republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Labour Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Women's Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with Israel (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; BUDG (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; EPP (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Mashreq countries (1994-03-07--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the Republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
ally; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Austria Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Nea Dimokratia (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the United States (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-president; European Parliament (1992-01-14--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; LU (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Parti communiste français (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Israel (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with the United States (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Member States of ASEAN and the ASEAN Interparliamentary Organisation (AIPO) and the Republic of Korea (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Labour Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Centro Democràtico y Social (1989-11-22--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Women's Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the United States (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation to the EU-Austria Joint Parliamentary Committee (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1992-05-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; EPP (1992-05-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with Canada (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Women's Rights (1992-02-11--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and Immunities (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member_of_the_bureau; EPP (1992-06-11--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Delegation for relations with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; ECON (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PETI (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Venstre (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Parti communiste français (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; Delegation for relations with the Gulf States (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Women's Rights (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the United States (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America and Mexico (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Centre des démocrates sociaux (1992-04-06--1994-07-18)lpv:end
vice-chair; LU (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Christen Democratisch Appèl (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Energy, Research and Technology (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Christen Democratisch Appèl (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Izquierda Unida (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Partido Social Democrata (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Socialistisk folkeparti (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Parti républicain (1993-03-31--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; PES (1993-04-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Switzerland (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment (1993-06-21--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Conservative and Unionist Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
substitute; Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security (1992-01-15--1994-07-18)lpv:end
unknown; Conservative and Unionist Party (1989-07-25--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with Japan (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union (1994-02-01--1994-07-18)lpv:end
member; Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Economic Community (ACP-EEC) (1993-09-17--1994-07-18)lpv:end