Table for the 8 triples with object "UKIP voted against this legislative vote on the EU-Vietnam agreement on partnership and cooperation. We are opposed in principle to EU institutions signing international agreements on behalf of the UK. Only elected and accountable national governments should negotiate and conclude international agreements, not the unelected and unaccountable EU Commission."@en sorted by label

lp_eu:2015-12-17-Speech-4-173-250lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2015-12-17-Speech-4-173-750lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2015-12-17-Speech-4-180-250lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2015-12-17-Speech-4-190-750lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2015-12-17-Speech-4-203-250lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2015-12-17-Speech-4-203-750lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2015-12-17-Speech-4-210-250lpv:spoken text
lp_eu:2015-12-17-Speech-4-221-750lpv:spoken text