Table for the 7 triples with object "UKIP voted against this legislation. EURES is an EU website that advertises British jobs across Europe. It creates a clear obligation for ‘Public Employment Services’ to post all publically advertised jobs on to EURES. In the UK this means that UK JobCentre Plus will have to advertise all its jobs across Europe. The new rules allow private employment services to apply and advertise across Europe and also create an automated job matching to CV which will fast track the process of British jobs being taken by EU nationals. The ‘opt-out’ for employers as written in the rules changes the current system. At the moment in the UK an employer has a voluntary opt-in to EURES. These rules say they can only exempt a vacancy if it is ‘duly justified’. However there is no justification for this term. In any case, this new legislation will increase the amount of UK jobs advertised across Europe."@en sorted by label

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