Table for the 5 triples with object "There is a call for private investors to contribute to this programme as well as Member States. Lower contributions from Member States were more than compensated by private investment; this is not welcome from our perspective due to the fact that we are concerned that our public and private sectors are not intertwined with EU political aims and objectives. The project will end in 2017 and by that time it is estimated that EUR 3 billion will be spent on R&D projects. The Association for European Nanoelectronics Activities (AENEAS) is also involved in a joint undertaking to contribute EUR 30 million. Member States are expected to make a contribution of 1.8 times that of the EU contribution. We cannot support such programmes that clearly put pressure on Member States at a time of severe financial difficulty with other priorities that are far more essential for the citizens of Europe."@en sorted by label

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