Table for the 2 triples with object "The budget now looks to be restored to EUR 157.4 billion in commitments and EUR 146.5 billion for payments: this is due to opposition to the proposed cuts. There is major support for all EU programmes, such as strengthening the European Neighbourhood Instrument and social and territorial cohesion. In addition to this, there is added pressure to increase the budget to deal with the ongoing refugee and migration crisis as a result of mismanagement of the disaster in the Mediterranean. A further EUR 1.6 billion is being directed to the Asylum Migration and Integration Fund and this includes Global Europe Security and Citizenship. We cannot support programmes that have already been badly managed and expect the taxpayer to fund initiatives that are not valid or reliable in relation to meeting the objectives of Europe’s citizens. These EU programmes do not serve the people of Europe but rather promote ‘more Europe’ and serve the political agenda of the Commission."@en sorted by label

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