Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-11-30-Speech-3-208-000"

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"Mr President, I would like to thank Mr Dalli for the kind words he addressed to those who were involved in that extremely important event. I would say it was the kind of event which inspires all those – I am thinking of the Single Market Forum in Krakow – who are working hard for barriers in the single market to be removed effectively, to continue the process of making the European Union more friendly to the citizens. The citizens, by which I mean consumers and business people taken together, because this group is a pool of talent for the European Union. I would also like through you to thank Mr Barnier, who worked with us in organising the Forum, and I would also like to thank Ms Daly, Director of Directorate B of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for the Internal Market and Services, and the wonderful team of people about whom we have said too little but who in fact took upon themselves a huge part of the responsibility and the work. It was a good experience. I agree with most or almost all of what has been said by those who have already spoken in this debate, and I agree, too, with the idea that we need to continue engaging in dialogue with society. The Krakow Declaration was an example of the kind of results which can be achieved. We should continue to achieve such results. I would just like to ask you, Mr Dalli, about the source of the decision that the next Forum is to be held in Brussels. We have not discussed this yet. My understanding is that we make such decisions together: Parliament and the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection. We also have some other very good suggestions, and we would like to ask you to discuss them with us. My last sentence, Mr President. Twenty years have passed ..."@en1
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