Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2016-07-04-Speech-1-196-000"

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"Mr President, the UK referendum showed that many people are increasingly uneasy with globalisation, feeling that its benefits are unevenly shared. The EU often gets the blame for this, but I think it is part of the solution. Our report sets out tools to ensure that we can trade more fairly, reducing human and environmental exploitation here and abroad, creating virtuous trade relations, progress at home and enabling our trading partners to reach equal or better levels of human development as ours. This report offers concrete proposals to make sustainable development operational, and I will highlight just five of them. The first is making trade union and civil society engagement more formal, giving greater responsibility to non-state actors, such as the ability to lodge labour rights complaints directly with the Commission. The second, shifting from voluntary corporate social responsibility to effective and enforceable supply chain due diligence requirements, allowing us to build on the recent political agreement on EU legislation on conflict minerals. The third, properly recognising independent expertise by taking impact assessments seriously and undertaking them in a timely manner able to influence negotiations. Fourth, using incentives but equally having adequate deterrents, notably through clear criteria to grant and withdraw GSP+ privileges, which requires, in our view, a new delegated act specifically on this point. And fifthly, involving fully the ILO in all trade talks and negotiations as we did with some success in the aftermath of the terrible Rana Plaza disaster in Bangladesh. Sustainable development must be enforceable. It must be visible and it cannot just be aspirational. The public will remain distrustful of trade policy until fairness is ingrained and delivered, and that should now be your priority."@en1

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