Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2015-12-16-Speech-3-715-000"

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"Mr President, I know I have already said it more than once this week, but properly implementing the rules we already have in place is the key to dealing with the challenges we face. The more these challenges grow, the more we need those rules to be properly enforced. On dozens of occasions I have stood in this chamber and pointed out that some Member States have been getting away with flouting those rules, and that includes long before the extent of the current crisis hit us. We all know who those Member States are, and we all know the Commission should have done far more before now in addressing these problems. We understand that funding, and the ability of Member States to allocate the necessary resources is, of course, proving very difficult. But that should never be allowed to stand in the way of basic human dignity and upholding the laws to which we are all subject. This forms part of a wider discussion which we need to start having if we are to tackle the migrant crisis effectively. Border control, fingerprinting, processing upon arrival, and improving detention conditions – there are rules on all those issues, and it is high time the Commission started reminding certain Member States, in the strongest terms, that they have to play by them too. Lots of new ideas and new proposals are coming, but let us try to get things sorted out with those currently at our disposal before we move on any further."@en1

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