Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2015-07-07-Speech-2-520-625"

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"I voted against the report as there was no tangible obligations contained within which would result in the Irish Dairy sector prospering in coming years; or see smaller family farms supported during turbulent times. The report should have been much more adventurous in its proposals in terms of supports to farmers affected by extreme price volatility. Farmers deserve a fair price for their produce and an ongoing situation whereby milk is often a loss-making product is unsustainable. There are ways in which the Commission can and should be more proactive in offering support. For example, an intervention price can be a strong tool to balance a market but the intervention price has to reflect the cost of production. Much of the positive predications of what the post-quota era would mean for milk farmers have abated in recent times. It is clear that many in the dairy sector are finding the increasing price volatility difficult to manage and if action is not taken many small farmers will be forced out of the sector. They need more than platitudes from the European Commission."@en1

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