Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2014-12-16-Speech-2-907-000"

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lpv:spoken text
"Madam President, Ecuador is likely to join the EU-Colombia and Peru trade agreement in the coming months, but it will lose its preferential market access to the EU in just two weeks unless we act this week. I welcome the proposed regulation, which puts in place a provisional arrangement to ensure that trade between the EU and Ecuador is not disrupted before our important vote and which does not prejudge our decision in that deal and allows us to get the right framework with the Ecuadorian authorities. There is one point that I would like to raise: two years ago this Parliament adopted a resolution asking the countries of the Andean Community – at that stage particularly Colombia and Peru – to commit to roadmaps on human rights and environmental protection before agreements were ratified. Applying the same standards to Ecuador would send an important signal that our trade relations are about more than just tariff lines, but are also a tool for our collective development and about improving human and labour rights around the world. I would therefore actively encourage the Ecuadorians also to put forward a roadmap."@en1

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