Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2013-10-09-Speech-3-404-000"

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"Mr President, there are ongoing debates in Germany, France and other Member States about intra-European migration from Roma communities, as well as in the UK. I think it is fair to say that – for example in Germany, which is attractive to migrants – this poses serious challenges. There are in fact cases known where virtually entire villages have moved from Romania to Berlin. I think we can all agree that, when there is no pressure for the migrants to integrate, there is a considerable problem. I do believe that integration is absolutely paramount for the long-term benefit of the migrant Roma communities, as well as the countries which are receiving them. May I ask the Commission, therefore, whether or not it considers the current European legislative framework sufficient to deal with these issues? Can I also ask exactly what has changed on the ground in the lives of ordinary Roma people? Are they actually more integrated? Have their lives improved? And has something tangible been done – or will it be done – to address the concerns the non-Roma population still has in various parts of the EU?"@en1

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