Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2013-02-05-Speech-2-280-000"

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"Madam President, as I was walking down the corridor towards the Chamber here I saw a number of signs that were probably there for Mr Hollande earlier. They said: ‘stop talking and start doing’. That made me think of the question: are we in Parliament, in Council, the Member States and the Commission doing enough? Because for citizens, terms like ‘European Semester’, ‘Annual Growth Survey’, ‘Europe 2020’, are just words, they mean very little. Really what they want to know is: are we doing enough and will we deliver what we promise? Perhaps the answer to that can be found in the Commission’s own documents. For example, the draft joint employment report for 2012 tells us: ‘Slowing growth hampers the already weak employment recovery and prevents an improvement of the employment rate...while the situation of young people has worsened. ... Long-term and low-skilled unemployment are increasing across the Union…putting social safety nets under stress… and accompanied by new risks of long-term exclusion’. If we look at the macro-economic report it is every bit as bad, because it tells us that the EU’s economic growth is faltering. It speaks of a lack of confidence and how this is weighing heavily on future economic prospects. That is what the documents tell us. So what do we do? Do we do more of the same or do we consider alternatives or modifications? These are important political choices to be made and Commissioner Rehn has said that today. One of the political choices that we can make is how we manage fiscal consolidation. In our report from the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs – and I want to thank our rapporteur Ms Lope Fontagné for her work on this – we ask for differentiated fiscal consolidation to apply across different Member States and for it to be managed in a growth-friendly way. We also ask for programmes to be evaluated with regard to the impacts on growth and social inclusion, and for social indicators alongside economic ones. Finally, we ask the Commission, along with the IMF, to look again at their fiscal multipliers that have consistently underestimated the impact of consolidation on growth, because, Commissioners, if we do not have good data, then we cannot make good policy decisions."@en1

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