Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-11-21-Speech-3-380-000"

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"Mr President, it is superfluous for me to add my own comments to those of my fellow Members on Ms Koppa’s excellent work and the high quality of her report. I shall mention only the crucial question of the outstanding bilateral issues that must be settled by countries that are candidates for accession. This controversial question, as you know, has fuelled long, complex and sometimes heated debates in the Council, the Commission and the European Parliament. This report, and specifically paragraph 26, settles this question in a realistic, politically sound and clear manner. Outstanding bilateral problems, and particularly those with a bearing on good neighbourly relations between a country that is a candidate for accession and a Member State, must be resolved before the start of accession negotiations. After all this, there is only one thing to add: I am concerned at the fact that the report mentions the possibility of a new category, that of the associate member state. This is a serious issue which I think we need to look at again."@en1

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