Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-11-21-Speech-3-236-968"

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dcterms:Is Part Of
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lpv:translated text
"This bilateral agreement with the Russian Federation was negotiated in the framework of the accession process of the Russian Federation to the World Trade Organisation. The European Parliament has been seized for consent, which is a prerequisite for the Council to officially conclude the agreement. In the context of the process of its accession to the WTO, the Russian Federation has agreed to reduce its currently applied export duty rates on raw materials, including wood products. For certain types of wood, Russia has introduced tariff-rate quotas. A Protocol between the EU and Russia foresees the detailed technical modalities of this shared management of the tariff-rate quotas. This Protocol contains a set of guidelines which the EU and Russia agree to follow when achieving their respective part of the quota management and to cooperate if necessary. Procedures for consultations and dispute settlement are provided for as well. The EU has a strong offensive interest in this bilateral agreement as it provides for significant improvement in the supply of wood from Russia. I consider it extremely important and justifiable to avoid a recurrence of the consecutive increases of wood export duties applied by Russia since 2007, which affected many EU producers. The agreement brings more predictability and better trade conditions."@en1

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