Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-10-23-Speech-2-270-000"

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". Madam President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, we sometimes see astonishing things in this Parliament. When we talk about human rights in China, we hear people say: ‘we need to do business with China because that will encourage respect for human rights in China’. When revolutions happen in Arab countries, we hear people say: ‘we must organise free trade agreements with the Arab countries because that is how we can support the emergence of democracy in the Arab countries’. All of a sudden, trade becomes a purely technical, and highly complicated, issue that has no connection with politics. We know, unfortunately, that this agreement does not guarantee the origin of the products that will enter the European market: firstly, pharmaceutical products and then other industrial products. Not even a week ago, Mr Netanyahu’s Government announced the legalisation of unauthorised settlements and the expansion of the settlements in the West Bank, and all this with an eye on the election on 22 January. At a time when Europe is going to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, in recognition of its past and, above all, the history it must build, particularly with its neighbours, it would be an aberration for Europe to send out a message that it is upgrading its political relations with Israel, rewarding the Netanyahu Administration for all of its politics, which are constantly criticised by the EU bodies, especially Baroness Ashton. What we are doing here is sending a message to Israel: ‘you must vote for Mr Netanyahu so that he continues his settlement policy, his policy of infringing human rights’. We are in favour of referring the report back to committee for all of the reasons that Mr Moreira gave. It is crucial that Europe does not get involved in the Israeli elections and does not send a message of support to Mr Netanyahu."@en1

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