Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-09-11-Speech-2-443-000"

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lpv:translated text
"The challenges faced by the European Union call for decisive and determined action from the Commission, so that we might finally lift ourselves out of this crisis and find our way back onto the path to growth and solidarity. It is in view of this call for decisive action, which, above all, takes into account the needs of the most vulnerable, that I voted in favour of this resolution. The rise in extremism, euroscepticism and populist discourse should, in particular, alert us to the truly serious state in which we find Europe today, and to the crisis of legitimacy that has grabbed the attention of our fellow citizens. The same applies when we see the return of an intergovernmental logic, which is creeping onto the negotiating table. Therefore, the time for talking is over and it is now time for concrete action. Through this, we are demanding that the Common European Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies becomes a legally binding instrument rather than simply an empty shell. By having the courage to face these challenges, Europe will be able to regain the trust of our fellow citizens."@en1

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