Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-07-05-Speech-4-073-000"

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"Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, I take this opportunity as a member of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament and a Member of the Committee on Fisheries to express my opinion in Parliament on the measures that must be taken in the next Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) to prevent the marketing of marine species caught in an accidental, unregulated and illegal manner, so they can neither be exported nor imported, specifically those from chartered operations. The European Union has defended the role of flag states for years, in the cases of chartered operations on the high seas, in compliance with the regulation on illegal fishing and International Law. The EU must continue to intensify the greatest collaboration possible between flag and chartering states in order to ensure control, monitoring, surveillance and compliance with regulations and in order to conserve our marine ecosystem and fishing sustainability. The current regulation is a good tool with which to achieve those aims. In my opinion, it should be maintained until an agreement is reached at the next working group in March which obliges all states, both flag states and chartering states, to comply with the regulations to ensure that endangered marine species are neither caught nor transported. We are currently aware that the best guarantee for the fight against illegal fishing continues to be that the flag state is responsible for the entire process. We should, however, work towards a legal framework that pursues illegal fishing and the transportation of catches of endangered species, thereby complying with the Europe 2020 strategy, ensuring the sustainability of fishing and the protection of the marine environment."@en1

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